Coronavirus (COVID-19) Awareness is Important for All
Update: 03/05/2020
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has made its way into the state of Texas. Maintaining awareness and vigilance is crucial as the number of outbreak cases reported in our nation grows. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a dedicated section with up-to-date information regarding the virus.
Community is an integral part of our University and City. As responsible members of this community, we must take precaution-- not just for our sake, but for others as well. Since there is no current vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus, staying informed is critical for preventing the spread of this illness.
The information below will help us all take proactive measures for keeping Coronavirus at bay.
Dr. Pablo Arenaz
How is it Spread?
Coughing and sneezing
Close personal contact
Not washing hands
Touching your mouth, nose, or eyes
Prevent the Spread!
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Do NOT touch your mouth, nose, or eyes with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue, throw tissue in trash
Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces
Stay home from work or school if you have fever or are not feeling well.
Symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or approximately 2 weeks after exposure.
Symptoms may include:
Difficulty Breathing
If you have symptoms, contact a healthcare provider. Current TAMIU Students can call Student Health Services at (956) 326-2236 or visit Student Center (STC) room 125.
Initial: 02/01/2020
Dear Dustdevil Community Members,
We are all aware of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in China and its rapid spread across the globe. While there are relatively few cases in the United States and Texas is considered at low risk, we should all maintain awareness and vigilance.
Fortunately, there are reputable resources available to all of us and I encourage your use of them. These websites are listed below. Visit them regularly for the most current information.
Again, Texas is a low risk. Let’s keep our awareness high.
Dr. Pablo Arenaz
Resources for Coronavirus Awareness Links
Texas Health and Human Services regarding the Corona Virus (COVID-19)