TAMIU Update 2025-01-21 11:15:00
TAMIU offices have scheduled a late start tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 22, with offices reopening and classes resuming at 10 a.m.
The late start affirms the University's commitment to the safety of all students, faculty, and staff in light of current weather conditions.
Late Registration continues through January 27. Visit go.tamiu.edu/registration for details. Stay safe and warm! For emergencies, contact TAMIU Campus Police at 956.326.2100.

Communication in the Americas Research Series

Due to its strategic geographical location on the U.S.-Mexico border, Texas A&M International University has embraced as its mission the establishment, consolidation and growth of academic exchanges between its faculty and students and Ibero -American institutions, scholars and students.

Each semester, the Department of Psychology and Communication hosts the Communication and Media in the Americas Seminar Series. The Seminar Series consists of lectures, talks and/or academic discussions among TAMIU and a Ibero-American university’s communication faculty and students, usually through videoconference, about the most relevant issues and topics in the discipline in the context of hemispheric relations and challenges. According to the topic at hand, one TAMIU communication class hosts the videoconference, but all communication faculty and students are invited to attend.

Americas Seminar Series

Texas A&M International University
Department of Psycology and Communication

Communication and Media in the Americas Seminar Series

Spanish-language media in the United States:
Production, Content and Reception

Presented by:

Dr. Juan Pinon, Ph.D.
Media, Culture, and Commnication Department at Steinhardt School New York University

Thursday Feb. 27 from 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
WHT 104

Open to the public. Free of charge

About the Seminar Series. Each semester, the Department of Psychology and Communication hosts the Communication Media in the Americas Seminar Series. The Seminar Series consists of lectures, talks, and/or academic discussions among TAMIU and U.S. or foreign university's communication scholars and students, usually through videoconference, about the most relevant issues and topics in the discipline in the context of hemispheric relations and challenges.

Research Stays by Students from Other Universities

Periodically, graduate students from other universities come to TAMIU to work for brief stays with Psychology and Communication faculty or take advantage of our labs and location on the U.S.-Mexico border. This is the list of recent students:

  • Belem G. López. Doctoral candidate in cognitive psychology at Texas AM University, College Station. Research stay: March 16-20, 2015. Supervisors in TAMIU: Dr. Roberto Heredia and Dr. Anna Cieslicka.
  • Crysta Robbinson. Graduate student from the Cognition and Language Laboratory at the University at Albany, SUNY. Research stay: March 18-April 3, 2015. Supervisors in TAMIU: Dr. Roberto Heredia and Dr. Anna Cieslicka.
  • Diana Gamboa. MS in Communication student at Universidad Iberoamericana-Santa Fe, Mexico City. Research stay: February 18-March 18, 2015. Supervisor in TAMIU: Dr. J. Carlos Lozano.
  • Gonzalo del Moral. MS in Communication student at Universidad Iberoamericana-Santa Fe, Mexico City. Research stay: July 5-30, 2014. Supervisor in TAMIU: Dr. J. Carlos Lozano.
  • Ana Elizabeth Maruri. MS in Communication student at Universidad Iberoamericana-Santa Fe, Mexico City. Research stay: July 5-30, 2014. Supervisor in TAMIU: Dr. J. Carlos Lozano.

Post-doctoral students

  • Patricia Gonzalez. Cognitive Laboratory. January-May 2015. Supervisors in TAMIU: Dr. Roberto Heredia and Dr. Anna Cieslicka.

Behavioral Sciences Institute

The Behavioral Sciences Institute is comprised of various learning centers and research labs. These centers and labs provide the university and community with opportunities for collaborative partnerships to address pressing issues within our society.

  • The GREAT (Graduate Retention Enhancement at TAMIU) seeks to increase the number of Hispanic students who complete a graduate degree and are prepared to attain a doctoral degree or professional career in behavioral, biological and mathematical sciences.
  • The Cognitive Sciences Lab conducts studies to determine how the brain functions in regard to bilingualism (Spanish/English).
  • The TAMIU Community Stress Center provides local (bilingual) counseling support services in Webb County. Individuals from the community interested in receiving counseling services can call the Stress Center at: 956.326.3120.

Department of Psychology and Communication
Academic Innovation Center (AIC) 313
Phone: 956.326.2465 | Email: psychology-communication@tamiu.edu