
Service-Learning Library

The following Service-Learning books are available for you to check-out at the Service-Learning Center office:


Adler-Kassner, L., Crooks, R., & Watters, A. (1997). Writing the community: Concepts and models for service-learning in composition. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Battistoni, R. M., & Hudson, W. E. (1997). Experiencing citizenship: Concepts and models for service-learning in political science (Vol. 2). Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Bringle, R. G., & Duffy D. K. (Eds.). (2006). With service in mind: Concepts and models for service learning in psychology. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Brubaker, D. C., & Ostroff, J. H. (Eds.). (2006). Life, learning, and community: Concepts and models for service learning in biology. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Droge, D., & Murphy, B. O. (Eds.). (2006). Voices of strong democracy: Concepts and models for service-learning in communication studies. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Erickson, J. A., & Anderson, J. B. (Eds.). (2005). Learning with the community: Concepts and models for service-learning in teacher education. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Norbeck, J. S., Connolly C., & Koerner, J. (Eds.). (2008). Caring and community: Concepts and models for service-learning in nursing. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Ostrow, J., Hesser, G., & Enos, S. (Eds.). (2005). Cultivating the sociological imagination: Concepts and models for service-learning in sociology. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Rama, D. V. (Ed.). (2007). Learning by doing: Concepts and models for service-learning in accounting. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Seifer, S.D., Hermanns, K., & Lewis, J. (Eds.). (2007). Creating community-responsive physicians: Concepts and models for service-learning in medical education. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Tsang, E. (Ed.). (2007). Projects that matter: Concepts and models for service-learning in engineering. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Ward, H. (Ed.). (2006). Acting locally: Concepts and models for service-learning in environmental studies. Sterling, VA: Stylus.



Adams, M. (Eds.). (1992). Promoting diversity in college classrooms: Innovative responses for the curriculum, faculty, and institutions. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Beere, C. A., Votruba, J. C., & Wells, G. W. (2011). Becoming an engaged campus: A practical guide for institutionalizing public engagement. John Wiley & Sons.

Billig, S., & Eyler, J. (2003). Deconstructing service-learning: Research exploring context, participation, and impact. Greenwich, Conn: Information Age Publishing.

Billig, S., & Furco, A. (Eds.). (2002). Service-learning through a multidisciplinary lens (Vol. 2). IAP.

Bowdon, A. M., Billig, H. S., & Holland, A. B. (2008). Scholarship for sustaining service-learning and civic engagement. (Vol. 8). IAP.

Bringle, R. G., Hatcher, J. A., & Jones, S. G. (Eds.). (2011). International service learning: Conceptual frameworks and research. Stylus Publishing, LLC.

Bringle, R. G., Phillips, M. A., & Hudson, M. (2004). The measure of service learning: Research scales to assess student experiences. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [2 copies available]

Bryant, J. A., Schonemann, N., & Karpa, D. (2011). Integrating service-learning into the university classroom. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Butin, D. W. (2010). Service-Learning in theory and practice: The future of community engagement in higher education. Palgrave Macmillan.

Calderon, J. Z., & Eisman, G. S. (2007). Race, poverty, and social justice: Multidisciplinary perspectives through service learning (Service learning for civic engagement series).Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Campus Compact. (2012). Introduction to service-learning toolkit: Readings and resources for faculty. Campus Compact.

Casey, M. K., Davidson, G., Billig, H. S., (2006). Advancing knowledge in service-learning: Research to transform the field. IAP.

Clayton, P. H., Bringle, R. G., & Hatcher, J. A. (2013). Research on service learning: Conceptual frameworks and assessment: Students and faculty. (Vol. 2A). Sterling, VA: Stylus. [2 copies available]

Clayton, P. H., Bringle, R. G., & Hatcher, J. A. (2013). Research on service learning: Conceptual frameworks and assessment: Communities, institutions, and partnerships. (Vol. 2B). Sterling, VA: Stylus. [5 copies available]

Colby, A., Beaumont, E., & Ehrlich, T. (2007). Educating for democracy: Preparing undergraduates for responsible political engagement. (Vol. 19). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Colby, A., Ehrlich, T., Beaumont, E., & Stephens, J. (2003). Educating citizens: Preparing America's undergraduates for lives of moral and civic responsibility. John Wiley & Sons.

Coles, R. (1989). The call of stories: Teaching and the moral imagination. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Cress, M. C., Collier, J. P., & Reitenauer, L. V. (2005). Learning through serving: A student guidebook for service-learning across the disciplines. Stylus Publishing, LLC. [5 copies available]

Cress, C. M., & Donahue, D. M. (2011). Democratic dilemmas of teaching service-learning: Curricular strategies for success. Sterling, VA: Stylus.


Dewey, J. (1997). How we think. Courier Corporation.

Dewey, J. (1998). Experience and education. Kappa Delta Pi.

Dewey, J. (2004). Democracy and education. Courier Corporation.

Eyler, J., & Giles, D. F. (1999). Where’s the learning for service-learning? San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass. [9 copies available]

Freire, P. (1973). Education for critical consciousness (Vol. 1). Bloomsbury Publishing.

Freire, P. (2007). Pedagogy of the oppressed (30th anniversary edition). Bloomsbury Publishing.

Freire. P. (2014). Pedagogy of hope: Reliving pedagogy of the oppressed. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Freire, P., & Freire, A. M. A. (1998). Pedagogy of the heart. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Furco, A., & Billig, H. S. (2006). New perspectives in service learning: Research to advance the field. (advances in service-learning research). IAP.

Furco, A., & Billig, S. (Eds.). (2002). Service-learning: The essence of the pedagogy (Vol. 1). IAP.

Gelmon, B. S., & Billig, H. S. (Eds.). (2007). Service-learning: From passion to objectivity-International and cross disciplinary perspectives on service-learning research. IAP.

Glenn, A. (2007). Reflection methods and activities for service learning: A student manual and workbook. IAP.

Green, P. M., Johnson, M. (Eds.). (2014). Crossing boundaries: Tension and transformation in international service-learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Hamner, D. M. (2002). Building Bridges: the Allyn & Bacon student guide to service learning. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Harkavy, I., & Donovan, B. M. (Eds.). (2005). Connecting past and present: Concepts and models for service-learning in history. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Hatcher, J. A., Bringle, R. G., & Hahn, T. W. (2017). Research on student civic outcomes in service learning: Conceptual frameworks and methods (IUPUI series on service learning research). Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Hatcher, J. A., & Bringle, R. G. (2012). Understanding service-learning and community engagement: Crossing boundaries through research. IAP.

Heffernan, K. (2001). Fundamental of service-learning course construction. Providence, RI: Campus Compact.

Hooks, B. (2003). Teaching community: A pedagogy of hope (Vol. 36). Psychology Press.

Hooks, B. (2014). Teaching to transgress. Routledge.

Horton, M., Freire, P., Bell, B., & Gaventa, J. (1990). We make the road by walking: Conversations on education and social change. Temple University Press. Jacoby, B. (2003). Building partnerships for service-learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. [2 copies available]

Jacoby, B. (2014). Service-learning essentials: Questions, answers, and lessons learned. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Jacoby, B., & Ehrlich, T. (2009). Civic engagement in higher education: Concepts and practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Jagla, V. (2013). Transforming teacher education through service-learning. Charlotte, N.C: Information Age Pub.

Keith, N. Z. (2015). Engaging in social partnerships: Democratic practices for campus-community partnerships. Routledge.

Keshen, J., Holland, B. A., & Moely, B. E. (2010). Research for What?: Making engaged scholarship matter. IAP.


LaBare, M. J. (Ed.). (2008). First year civic engagement: Sound foundations for college, citizenship and democracy. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina. [2 copies available]

McDonald, T., Eisman, S. G., & Corrigan, A. R. (2011). Social responsibility and sustainability: Multidisciplinary perspectives through service learning. (Service Learning for Civic Engagement Series)

Mcllrath, L., Lyons A., & Munk, R. (2012). Higher education and civic engagement: Comparative perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.

Moely, B. E., Billig, S., & Holland, B. A. (2009). Creating our identities in service-learning and community engagement. IAP.

Overton, B., Pasque, P. A., & Burkhardt, J.C. (Eds.). (2017). Engaged research and practice: Higher education and the pursuit of the public good (Engaged research and practice for social justice in education series). Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Papa, M. J., Singhal, A., & Papa, W. H. (2006). Organizing for social change: A dialectic journey of theory and praxis. Sage.

Root, S., Callahan, J., & Billig, H. S. (2005). Improving service-learning practice: Research on models to enhance impacts. (Advances in Service-Learning Research). IAP.


Saltmarsh, J. A., & Zlotkowski, E. A. (2011). Higher education and democracy: Essays on service-learning and civic engagement. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Saltmarch, J., & Hartley, M. (Eds.). (2011). “To serve a larger purpose”: Engagement for democracy and the transformation of higher education. Temple University Press.

Sandmann, L. R., & Thorton, C. H., & Jaeger, A. J. (2009). Institutionalizing community engagement in higher education: The first wave of carnegie classified institution. New directions for higher education.

Schoenfeld, R. M. (2004). Service-learning: Guide & journal higher education edition. Seattle, WA: Guide & Journal Publications.

Schon, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions. Jossey-Bass.

Shor, I. (1987). Freire for the classroom: A sourcebook for liberatory teaching. Heinemann Educational Books, Inc., Portsmouth, NH.

St. John, P. E. (2013). Research, actionable knowledge, & social change: Reclaiming social responsibility through research partnerships. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

St. John, P. E., & Callahan, K. (2017). Using action inquiry in engaged research: An organizing guide (Engaged research and practice for social justice in education series).Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Stewart, T., & Webster, N. (2011). Exploring cultural dynamics and tensions within service-learning. IAP.

Stewart, T., Webster, N. (2010). Problematizing service-learning: Critical reflections for development and action. IAP.

Stoecker, R. (2016). Liberating service learning and the rest of higher education civic engagement. Temple University Press.

Stoecker, R., Tyron, E. A., & Hilgendorf, A. (2009). The unheard voices: Community organizations and service learning. Temple University Press.

Sumka, S., Porter, M. C., & Piacitelli, J. (2015). Working side by side: Creating alternative breaks as catalysts for global learning, student leadership, and social change. Stylus Publishing, LLC.

Sweitzer, H. F., & King, M. A. (2013). The successful internship. Cengage Learning.

Welch, M., & Saltmarsh, J. (2016) Engaging higher education: Purpose, platforms, and programs for community engagement. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge University Press.

Zlotkowski, E. (2002). Service-learning and the first-year experience: Preparing students for personal success and civic responsibility. The first-year experience monograph series. National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC.

Zlotkowski, E., Jones, R. J., & Lenk, M. M. (2005). One with community: Indicators of engagement at minority-serving institutions. Providence, RI: Campus Compact.

Service-Learning Center

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