TAMIU Update 2025-01-21 11:15:00
TAMIU offices have scheduled a late start tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 22, with offices reopening and classes resuming at 10 a.m.
The late start affirms the University's commitment to the safety of all students, faculty, and staff in light of current weather conditions.
Late Registration continues through January 27. Visit go.tamiu.edu/registration for details. Stay safe and warm! For emergencies, contact TAMIU Campus Police at 956.326.2100.

Directions and Parking

Directions to the University:

From Laredo:

Take I-35 North, exit Del Mar (exit 4). At first signal, turn right on Del Mar Boulevard. Continue Northeast on Del Mar. Pass McPherson Rd, Winfield subdivision and Alexander High School. At intersection with Loop 20 (stop light), turn right. Continue along Loop 20 to University Boulevard (signal light), turn left. Take your first right and then second or third left to enter the Student Center Parking Lot. General parking does not require a permit, only reserved parking.

From the North or South via I-35:

I-35 to Loop 20 (Bob Bullock Loop). At Loop 20, turn South to the stop light at University Boulevard. East (Left) on University Boulevard. Take your first right onto the west road. Take second or third left to enter the Student Center Parking Lot. General parking does not require a permit, only reserved parking.

From the East or West via I-35:

SH59 to the stop light at Loop 20 (Bob Bullock Loop). North on Loop 20 to the stop light at University Boulevard. East (Right) on University Boulevard. Take your first right onto the west road. Take second or third left to enter the Student Center Parking Lot. General parking does not require a permit, only reserved parking.

Directions to the Student Center:

Turn right at the first entrance to Texas A&M International University. Pass the University Village (UVIL) located on your right.  Continue forward pass the Western Hemispheric Trade Center (WHT) located on your left. Immediately turn left upon passing WHT. The Student Center (STC) will be on the left. 

Map of Texas A&M International University


Office of Community Relations and Special Events
Student Center 127 
5201 University Blvd.
Laredo, Texas 78041-1900
Info Desk: 956.326.INFO (4636)