
Job Search Services

Job Vacancies/Internships Posted Online

Local/state/national/foreign job vacancies and internships are advertised via HANDSHAKE our online job database.

On-Campus Recruitment

Throughout the year, recruiters visit our campus in their efforts to recruit qualified candidates for employment and/or internship opportunities. Our facilities provide the venue for scheduled or on-the-spot interviews. Sign-up sheets for on-campus interviews are arranged online through HANDSHAKE

Résumé Referral Service

Students and alumni can register and upload their résumés online through HANDSHAKE. Résumés become readily available to recruiters with immediate hiring needs.

Résumé and Cover Letter Reviews

Professional staff assists students and alumni develop high-quality resumes and cover letters by providing objective feedback and helpful suggestions.

Interviewing Skills Practice

Students and alumni wishing to prepare for a job, college entrance or scholarship/internship interview can benefit from a mock interview with professional staff. The interview is recorded and played back for client review and immediate feedback.

Other Resources