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HIST 3391
Islamic Civilizations, 600-1400 C.E.
Three semester hours. (SP-Even)
This course will survey the diverse history of Islamic societies from the 7th to the 16th century. Topics include: the pre-Islamic Middle East; Arabian society; Muhammad and the rise of the new religion; the expansion of Islam in Asia, Africa and Europe; the fundamental belief system of Islam; the Caliphate of Baghdad; the development of various schools of Islamic theology; the coming of the Turks; revolutionary Shi’ism; the Muslim experience in India, Africa and Central Asia; decline of Islamic power; and the crusades. While much of the focus will be on trends affecting the Islamic World as a whole, attention will also be given to selected regional issues. Students will be introduced to several primary source materials in translation such as selections from the Qur’an, philosophical works and travelers’ accounts.
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