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The Office of Recruitment and School Relations is responsible for student recruitment and the Concurrent High School student program. To obtain information on degrees and student life at Texas A&M International University, call or write:
Office of Recruitment and School Relations
Texas A&M International University
Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center Room 130
5201 University Boulevard
Laredo, Texas 78041-1900, U.S.A.
Office: (956) 326-2270
Fax: (956) 326-2269
Toll Free: 1-888-4TX-AMIU (489-2648)
email: enroll@tamiu.edu
Qualified high school students in 11th and 12th grade may enroll in university-level courses at TAMIU as a dual-enrollment student. Concurrent students may not enroll in more than six (6) credit hours each long semester or summer session. A Concurrent Authorization Statement form must be submitted each subsequent semester and students must maintain a 2.0 or higher grade point average based on a 4.0 scale in order to continue in the program.
Concurrent Admission to Texas A&M International University is only granted for the semester for which students apply. Students who do not enroll for the semester for which they are approved should contact the Office of Recruitment and School Relations and reapply before attempting to enroll for another semester.
Implementation of concurrent admissions policy is the responsibility of the Director of Recruitment and School Relations. The University Admissions Standards and Exceptions Committee must approve any exception to admission policy.
All students must attempt all three sections of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Placement Exam (i.e. Mathematics, Reading, and Writing) before course registration. Applicants who neglect to meet the required TSI placement scores, will not be allowed to take university-level courses related to the sections of the test that they have not passed. See Texas Success Initiative in the section entitled University College.
Texas A&M International University is an equal opportunity educational institution. In compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order 11246, Texas A&M International University is open to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam Era who are otherwise eligible for admission as students.
For more information on admission requirements, please refer to Undergraduate and Graduate admissions information section of the catalog.
Career Services provides a spectrum of services to assist students and alumni explore career options and obtain information in order to make well-informed decisions regarding majors, job preparation and job location. Professional staff members work with students and alumni to plan their careers and locate work-related opportunities through several programs.
Career Services coordinates job preparation and programs intended to connect students and alumni with employers. Some of these services include:
All Texas A&M International students and alumni, regardless of graduation date, are encouraged to access the services and programs offered by the Office of Career Services, Student Center Room 114, (956) 326-4473.
The Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development makes the educational resources of Texas A & M International University available for non-credit education programs and conferences designed to promote lifelong learning, regardless of age, interest, or location. Our programs fall into five general categories: Professional Development, Professional Certification Programs, Certificate Programs, Personal Enrichment, Summer Youth Programs, and Conferences. We also build courses to fit the needs of your company.
TAMIU is honored to be working with the Department of Defense’s expanded Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program to provide medical and legal online training at no cost to the military spouses who work hard daily to truly support our troops. The Office of Continuing Education believes that military spouses deserve a high-quality education that leads to an in-demand career – a career that’s portable, so relocation never gets in the way of reaching their goals.
TAMIU’s American Heart Association (AHA) Training Center is located within the Office of Continuing Education. Its mission is to strengthen the Chain of Survival in our community. The Training Center serves as the principal resource for information and support for AHA Instructors. AHA courses (Heartsaver, Basic Life Support, and ACLS) are offered at TAMIU to provide First Aid and CPR training opportunities for healthcare providers and community members. Convenient blended online courses are convenient options for those who need to complete their CPR certification quickly.
Office of Continuing Education
Student Center 118
5201 University Boulevard
Laredo, TX 78041
Tel. 956.326.3068 — Fax 956.326.2838
Email: ce@tamiu.edu
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am - 5 pm
TAMIU Training Center
Student Center 118
5201 University Boulevard Laredo, TX 78041
Tel. 956.326.2829 — Fax 956.326.2838
Email: cpr@tamiu.edu
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am - 5 pm
Counseling services are available to all Texas A&M International University students. Student Counseling Services offers a broad range of services and is supported by the student health fees paid each semester; therefore, counseling services are available to currently enrolled students.
Our Mission Statement reads:
“The Office of Student Counseling and Disability Services provides an environment supportive of the intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical development of all TAMIU students. We strive to empower them to be capable and competent adults while adjusting to the challenges and transitions to University life as well as ensuring equal access for students with disabilities to all curricular and co-curricular opportunities offered by the University.”
Student Counseling Services staff understand that psychological adjustment is connected to the health of the whole person —including the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing of the individual. As such, staff clinicians may use testing and assessment to assist in diagnosis, treatment planning and to facilitate the helpfulness of therapy. The majority of our counseling activities span social-emotional and educational-career concerns. Assistance is often provided for concerns such as stress management, adjustment to college, study skills, time management, depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, grief, and self-destructive behaviors.
The Student Counseling Services provides a variety of services for the TAMIU community. Our main service is counseling/psychotherapy provided individually, as a couple, or as a group. Psychological education is also offered through workshops and presentations held periodically around campus.
In general, our staff’s work with individuals emphasizes short-term treatment, which utilizes an issue of focus for counseling determined by both the individual and the clinician, and aims at management of that particular issue within a relatively brief amount of time. Student Counseling Services offers support for a variety of challenges and concerns that at times do require professional assistance as well as referral to medical, nutritional, and/or other appropriate community resources to maximize health and wellbeing. Additionally, the staff is qualified to assist individuals in identifying long-term or more intensive treatment options in the community in cases where extended care is indicated.
Through our endeavors we support the educational mission of Texas A&M International University. As a staff, we attempt to facilitate mutual respect and understanding among people of diverse backgrounds, spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, physical ability and other types of diversity.
Student Counseling Services is located in the University Success Center 138. Hours of service are Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 8 am to 5 pm (Friday is only until 3pm) and Wednesday-Thursday from 8 am to 7 pm. The staff is on call after regular hours of operation of the University. In the event of a crisis after regular hours of service or during university holidays, campus police may be contacted at 326-2911.
For questions please call (956) 326-2230 (voice/TTY), or stop by to make an appointment to speak with a counselor at the Zaffirini Student Success Center 138.
Texas A&M International University is aware of and deeply concerned with the unique challenges that face students with disabilities. Texas A&M International University is committed to reducing and eliminating a number of barriers that such students may encounter as they work towards their educational goals.
Our mission statement reads:
"Disability Services for Students promotes a supportive learning community to empower students with disabilities to accomplish their academic goals by ensuring accessibility to university programs. We aim to foster greater awareness both of, and for, persons with disabilities in our multilingual, multicultural international environment."
Disability Services for Students will assist any student who has an appropriately documented disability in coordinating needed support services, physical or academic. These services will be coordinated between the University and if available, with government or private agencies.
Students with appropriately documented disabilities may request reasonable accommodations which will afford them equal access to all educational programs and activities that Texas A&M International University provides or sanctions. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, states and requires that qualified students with disabilities have the right to request and obtain reasonable accommodations to afford students equal access to courses, program services, activities, and facilities offered through the University.
Although students with disabilities may request services at any time during the school year, students are encouraged to meet with the Disability Coordinator or Director of Student Counseling Services to request services at least (3) three months before entering Texas A&M International University. To be eligible for services, a student must be enrolled at Texas A&M International University, has submitted to DSS appropriate, current documentation concerning the disability, and has made a special request concerning the disability.
Each request for services made to DSS will be taken into consideration on an individual basis. Students have the right to due process proceedings to challenge or correct actions the University or DSS has taken, may take, or has not taken for an individual student's benefit, or if DSS has failed to aid the student in a reasonable fashion. If the student feels that her or his documented disability is not being appropriately accommodated by Texas A&M International University's DSS, the student has the right to obtain outside legal counseling or proceedings.
Texas A&M International University's DSS offers a variety of services for students with disabilities, including the following: accessible furniture in classrooms, assistance in recruiting note takers, assistance in ordering textbooks on tape, assistance in taping textbooks when textbooks on tape are not available, equipment loan (recorders), materials enlarged (e.g., exams, handouts), sign language interpreters, alternative testing arrangements, counseling and other reasonable services.
Students with disabilities at Texas A&M International University are expected to: meet the University's qualifications as well as essential technical, academic, and institutional standards; provide documentation from an appropriate professional explaining how their disability limits functioning in courses, programs, services, etc.; identify themselves in a timely manner to the Office for Disability Services for Students when seeking reasonable accommodations; meet qualifications and maintain essential instructional standards for courses, programs, services, etc.; seek information, counsel, and assistance as necessary; and follow specific procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodation(s) and/or auxiliary aid(s) and services.
The Office of Global Initiatives (OGI) / Binational Center (BINC) enhances relationships between the United States and other countries by promoting civic and social organizations and institutions through research, education, leadership, and public service. Selected activities of the OGI /BINC include:
·Creating communication streams with international universities and other organizations.
·Designing educational venues that will contribute to the successful development of international relationships between practitioners, governments, and their organizations.
·Enhancing the development of binational community service programs.
·Highlighting public service with specific programs geared to train and develop strategies for cross-border collaboration and enhance the management of local and international non-profit organizations.
·Training, developing, and educating the next generation of leaders through diverse engagements with international communities.
Two certificates are offered through this office:
Certificate in International Studies
Certificate in Latin American Studies
Texas A&M International University
5201 University Boulevard
Pellegrino Hall #301
Laredo, Texas 78041-1900
Tel: 956-326-2834
Fax: 956-326-2836
Email: binationalcenter@tamiu.edu
Financial Aid is made available by a process through which the student, the student’s family, and Texas A&M International University work together through federal, state, and local programs to assist in meeting the student’s financial needs to attend college. To qualify for financial assistance, a student must be admitted into a degree-granting course of study, be meeting TAMIU’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAPP), and must not be in default or delinquent on any student loan with the University, State or Federal government. The student must not owe a balance for Federal Title IV Funds returned due to complete withdrawal from TAMIU or any other state or private institution. All students must apply for financial aid on an annual basis and must meet the SAP Policy at all times whether financial aid was received or not.
To apply for federal financial aid, a student must submit to the U. S. Department of Education a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.FAFSA.gov. Students who have previously applied for federal student aid will receive a reminder to do their application by e-mail. Students under the HB 1403 and/or SB 1528 can apply for state aid thru the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TAFSA). This application may be found on the Financial Aid web site http://www.tamiu.edu/affairs/financial/ or office.
The Office of Student Financial Aid
Texas A&M International University
5201 University Boulevard
Zaffirini Success Center, Room 214
Laredo, Texas
Telephone: (956) 326-2225
Fax: (956) 326-2224
E-mail: financialaid@tamiu.edu
FAFSA School Code: 009651
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate forms and file them by the
required deadlines. Please visit our Web site for the most current information on programs and any associated deadlines at http://www.tamiu.edu/affairs/financial/.
See table below for each semester’s priority deadline to submit financial aid application and deadline to submit all financial aid documents to finalize awards prior to the tuition and fees due date.
Semester |
Deadline to submit all required documents |
Fall or Fall & Spring |
March 15 |
July 30 |
Summer |
May 1 |
May 30 |
Spring |
December 3 |
December 20 |
Financial resources of the University should be viewed only as supplementary to the financial resources of the applicant and family. For additional information, filing dates and application forms, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Non Degree/Non Certification or Transient Students
TAMIU Distinguished Presidential Incoming Freshmen Scholarship
The Distinguished Presidential Scholarship is an honorary, four-year, merit-based scholarship awarded to high academic achievers. This scholarship is available through the Office of Recruitment and School Relations. This scholarship is an automatic scholarship awarded to qualified students upon meeting the following scholarship criteria thru their admissions application. The Distinguished Presidential Scholarship award ranges from $12,000 to $32,000 and is divided by 4 equal offers.
To be eligible, students must be a first-time freshmen, be admitted to TAMIU by December 1 and earn the SAT or ACT scores outline below while meeting the high school percentage rank requirement:
1300-1600 |
1200-1290 |
1100-1190 |
1000-1090 |
900-990 |
or |
29-36 |
26-28 |
24, 25 |
22, 23 |
20, 21 |
and |
Rank |
Top 25% |
Top 25% |
Top 25% |
Top 10% |
Top 10% |
equals |
Award |
$32,000 |
$28,000 |
$20,000 |
$16,000 |
$12,000 |
The table above also demonstrates the award amount the student would earn based on SAT or ACT scores and high school percentage rank.
TAMIU First-Time Freshman Scholarship
The TAMIU First-Time Freshman Scholarship is a four-year, merit-based scholarship. This scholarship is available through the Office of Recruitment and School Relations. It is awarded to first-time freshman students in the top 25 percentage ranking of their high school class or who demonstrate exceptional scores on the SAT or ACT. Award ranges from $4,000 to $20,000 and is divided into 4 equal offers.
To be eligible, students must be first-time freshmen, be admitted to TAMIU by January 31, submit the require essay on ApplyTexas, and meet the following academic criteria:
High school graduates who have not attended another college or university are eligible to apply for this scholarship program prior to the fall semester entrance.
Valedictorians– Exemption for Highest Ranking High School GraduateOther scholarships are directly available through the Office of Financial Aid website http://www.tamiu.edu/affairs/financial/scholarships.shtml or office please call us at (956 )326-2161.
Scholarship Information for Graduate StudentsThe Texas B-On-Time Loan program, State program must apply thru FAFSA, is available to eligible undergraduate Texas residents having completed the recommended or distinguished curriculum from an accredited public or private Texas high school. Application information will be furnished with the financial aid offer, if applicable, and as funds are available. The no-interest loan may be forgiven upon graduation if the student receives an undergraduate degree from an eligible institution and the student graduated with a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, within 4 calendar years after the date the student initially enrolled in an eligible institution, or graduated with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, with a total number of credit hours (including transfer hours and hours earned exclusively by examination) that is no more than 6 hours beyond what is required to complete the degree or certificate. Program is currently available for renewal students only. IRS regulations indicate that these loans must be reported as taxable income when they are forgiven. For more information, please call us in Austin (512) 427-6340 or toll-free (outside Austin metro) 1-800-242-3062.
Private Alternative loans are for students who have exhausted all other avenues of financial aid. All financial aid, including loans, cannot exceed a student's cost of attendance. Approval of the loan is based on the borrower's credit history. Students can apply by signing into the www.ELMSelect.com website.
College for all Texans – Types of Financial Aid www.collegefortexans.com
Students and their family can choose from many different types of financial aid. Some are based on financial need, and some on academic performance. Others are tied to a student’s or family’s ability to borrow. Not all colleges and universities participate in all programs, but the more you know about financial aid, the better prepared you will be. Here you will find links to the many kinds of financial aid available to students attending Texas colleges and universities. These include:
Gainful Employment Programs
At TAMIU, additional certificate programs are offered, however Title IV assistance is currently NOT approved for such programs by the U. S. Department of Education. In accordance with current guidelines, financial aid can be offered to students in a 'certificate program' only if the SCHOOL is awarding the certificate. At TAMIU, the certificate is not awarded by the SCHOOL but rather from the State of Texas; the student completes all required coursework at TAMIU which allows the student to 'sit' for certification at the State level, but students NOT certified by the State of Texas will not be allowed to 'practice/work' in Texas. Therefore, TAMIU's 'certificate programs' do not fall under the purview of a Gainful Employment program and the student is not eligible to receive financial aid. TAMIU's current 'certificate' programs include:
Student Health Services is staffed with qualified nursing personnel. The purpose of Student Health Services is to enhance the educational processes of students by reducing or eliminating health-related barriers to learning. In addition, Student Health Services is directed at improving wellness, enabling students to make informed decisions about health related concerns, and empowering students to be self-directed consumers of health care services. Some of the services provided are:
As of January 1, 2012, Texas law (Senate Bill 1107 and Senate Bill 62) requires that students* entering institutions of higher education either receive a vaccination against bacterial meningitis or meet certain criteria for declining such a vaccination at least 10 days prior to the first day of their first semester. Student who do not comply with the requirement are subject to being dropped from their classes.
The vaccination requirement applies to new students, transfer students and students returning to TAMIU who have experienced a break in their TAMIU enrollment of at least one fall or spring semester. You are exempt from the vaccination requirement only if any of the following apply:
For more information on bacterial meningitis vaccine requirement visit http://www.tamiu.edu/health/MeningitisVaccineRequirement.shtml
All information obtained at the Student Health Services office of Texas A&M International University is strictly confidential as protected by law and professional ethics. Medical records are set apart from all other records at the University and are not released to any other person or agency within or outside the University without the patient’s written consent, except as described by law.
Notification: Because medical services are confidential for students 18 years of age or older, parents are not notified of routine treatment given at TAMIU Student Health Services. In case of emergency requiring a student’s hospitalization, the physician, staff, or student will communicate with parents or guardian.
Please refer to the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Policy of the Student Handbook for applicable restrictions.
The International Language Institute (ILI) offers a dynamic language program which includes English as a Second Language (ESL), Spanish, Portuguese, and other language and preparation courses. The ESL program is the most intensive and structured of all the course offerings. All instructors have a vast experience in teaching ESL or their respective other languages, and are unquestionably dedicated to the students’ learning. Our courses are intended for the international student and other interested community who want to communicate in an academic or professional setting.
International Students’ Deadlines
Fall I & III – July 1st Fall II – September 1st
Spring I & III – November 1st Spring II – January 1st
Summer Session – April 1st
Texas A&M International University is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Heartland Conference. The NCAA is a voluntary organization through which the nation’s colleges and universities govern their athletics programs. It comprises more than 1,250 institutions, conferences, organizations and individuals committed to the best interests, education and athletics participation of student-athletes.
The Heartland Conference is a NCAA Division II conference comprised of the following institutions: University of Arkansas-Fort Smith, Dallas Baptist University, Lubbock Christian University, Newman University, Oklahoma Christian University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Rogers State University, St. Edward’s University, St. Mary’s University, and Texas A&M International University. Athletic teams at Texas A&M International University are known as the “Dustdevils” and the official school colors are maroon and silver.
Texas A&M International University currently sponsors the following eleven NCAA Division II programs:
Baseball |
Men's Basketball |
Women's Basketball |
Men's Cross Country |
Women's Cross Country |
Men's Golf |
Women's Golf |
Softball |
Men's Soccer |
Women's Soccer |
Volleyball |
Sideline Cheer Squad |
Competitive Cheer |
Competitive Dance |
The 55,000 sq. ft. Rec Center is located on the southeast side of campus. The Rec Center features open recreation areas for indoor sports and exercise as well as scheduled fitness and intramural programming. The department of Rec Sports is committed to providing programs, facilities, and services to enhance the quality of life and educational experiences of our diverse University and local community. The experiences gained through participation with Rec Sports programming are aligned with the University's core values that include respect, integrity, service and excellence. In addition to our services and programs, the Rec Center also provides our students opportunities to engage in non-recreational activities at our Dusty’s Den game room located in room 130 of the Student Center. For more information, come tour our facility or call (956) 326-2289. We are also available online at www.tamiu.edu/recsports.
The Office of Student Affairs strives to promote and encourage students to foster skills essential to their ethical, intellectual, social and personal developments. Student Affairs assists the Vice President for Student Success, coordinate the efforts of student experience services through oversight of Student Conduct and Community Engagement, Student Health Services, Student Orientation, Leadership and Engagement, and Recreational Sports.
Through its student success services, Student Affairs is an invaluable resource, advocate and support for providing and identifying resources and services for students. The Office helps individuals in navigating the University, particularly difficult situations, as in personal, medical, mental health, and/or family crises.
Specific information of success services may be found: http://www.tamiu.edu/studentaffairs/SS.shtml
In addition, Student Affairs through its international engagement team provides campus-wide leadership initiatives advocating for, supporting and implementing the University’s goals for international engagement, student mobility and exchange. Student Affairs works closely with faculty, staff, students and scholars to support initiatives to internationalize the University.
The areas of responsibility of the Office of Student Affairs International Engagement unit include:
* Serving as a center for information and resources for international education
* Assisting faculty with program development and courses taught abroad
* Services for international students as they relate to advising on and facilitating compliance with U.S. immigration regulations, as well as serving as a guide for the transition in their academic, social and cultural adjustment to life.
* Services for domestic students as they relate to advising on study abroad opportunities and sponsored international travel.
* Services for scholars and faculty to facilitate and encourage the invitation and hosting of international scholars.
* Offer student’s experiences that allow for an increased awareness of self, groups, social and cultural diversity.
* Protocol for hosting international visitors and for TAMIU officials and students visiting abroad
* Community involvement in international programs and activities
International Engagement strives to be the hub for all international activities as a means to prepare all students for a global society through a supportive environment anchored on student success, by offering guidance to international students, leading students through study abroad experiences and the promotion of innovative multi-cultural programs focused on dialogue that encourage the exchange of ideas and opportunities for self-discovery.
Specific information on International Engagement may be found:
The Office of Student Orientation, Leadership and Engagement (SOLE) is committed to the success of students at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) by offering numerous student involvement opportunities that enhance learning across the University campus. The skills learned in the variety of unique programs and opportunities, are centered upon the University's core principles of respect, integrity, service and excellence that will prepare students to become engaged citizens in a global society.
SOLE is committed to providing students the opportunity to become involved on campus through a variety of innovative co-curricular programs that enhance the academic learning environment at TAMIU. As part of the Division of Student Success, we are committed to student access, engagement, growth and success.
Hundreds of students enter the University each year and new student orientation has been developed to address the needs of students. A $125 nonrefundable fee is assessed to all new undergraduate freshmen and transfer students for this program. Orientation is mandatory for all new undergraduate students, excluding concurrent students and is offered in January of each year and throughout the months of June, July and August. Specific orientation sessions for international students that address their particular needs, in addition to new student orientation activities, are offered throughout the year as well.
SOLE is happy to offer countless opportunities for students to explore their leadership potential. Co-curricular leadership experiences provide students with a great addition to your resume and prepare students for life after TAMIU. Whether your passion is working in teams, impacting positive change or developing your personal strengths, there is a program for you. Programs include the Freshman Leadership Organization (FLO), Sophomore Leaders Involved in Change (SLIiC), Leadership TAMIU, International Leadership Series, SOLE Summit and TAMIU Trailblazers.
The representative governing body of all students at TAMIU is Student Government Association (SGA). This elected student member body is directly responsible for representing the interests of the student body to the administration and to the entire University community. The SGA interacts with the administration of the University on issues such as changes to rules and regulations, allocation of some student service fees, and student membership on university committees. It also conducts programs that are of service to the students including voter registration, conferences on student government and student leadership activities.
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is responsible for bringing entertainment to the entire campus community. Through its programming, CAB engages students with our vibrant campus life. Annual events include the Welcome Week, Loteria, Halloween Fest, Tree Lighting Ceremony, Sprit Week and Pre-Exam Jam. In addition, CAB partners with various University offices to co-host various other events that leave a lasting impact on the community.
The Greek community at TAMIU amplifies your undergraduate experience by challenging Dustdevils in the areas of service, involvement, academics, brotherhood and sisterhood. These organizations help feel a sense of belonging and play an integral role in student development and life on the TAMIU campus. In addition to the various fraternities and sororities available to join at the University, the TAMIU Greek Council provides specific support and guidance to our growing Greek life while promoting unity amongst member organizations.
TAMIU is home to over 100 recognized student organizations. Academic honor societies, community service organizations, faith based groups and Greek life all offer opportunities to get involved on campus. SOLE provides support to these organizations as they host annual events, fundraise and advocate for their respective mission and goals. To learn more about how to get involved at TAMIU, visit tamiu.collegiatelink.net.
The Office of Student Affairsdevelops, coordinates, and promotes the exchange of students and scholars. Study abroad programs vary from short-term programs led by TAMIU professors, to semester and year long programs offered through partner schools or affiliated study abroad organizations. These programs are available in various countries around the world and are open to students from all majors. Eligible students may qualify for Federal, State and institutional aid to finance their study abroad program. Two TAMIU scholarships for study abroad are available: the International Education Fee Scholarship and the Guadalupe and Lilia Martinez International Fellows Scholarship. OIE provides study abroad advising, including program selection, pre-departure orientation, visa requirements and procedures, financial aid, housing assistance, transfer of credits, and re-entry information. Study abroad information sessions are conducted on a weekly basis in Student Center 224.
The University recognizes that international students on this campus bring with them
both special resources and special needs. The increased international awareness which
they create is important to the entire academic community. At the same time, the University wants each student to have the best possible educational and personal experience while in the United States. To achieve these objectives, International Student Services offers a variety of services to international students. These
include assistance with academic direction, vocational and education direction, immigration regulations, community adjustment, and coordination of services provided by
Admissions, Financial Aid, Bursar's, Housing and Registrar’s offices.
International Student Services
Office of Student Affairs
Student Center 226
5201 University Boulevard
Laredo, Texas 78041-1900, U.S.A.
(956) 326-2280 Fax: (956) 326-2279
Whether you stop for a meal, or would like to apply for an on-campus job, or you are looking for continuing education the Student Center is one-stop-shopping for Student and community. This facility houses a variety of University Departments, meeting facilities, and lounge areas. The Student Center is designed to support the programs, special events, meetings, and conferences of the students, faculty and staff of Texas A&M International University.
“What’s in the Student Center?”
Aramark Foodservice:
Career Services: Located on the first floor in room 114, Career Services assists students in making career decisions and exploring their chosen fields, enhancing job searching skills, and finding part-time or permanent positions.
Health Services: Located on the first floor in room 125, Health Services offers students clinical response for immediate needs, and provides information for the improvement of their individual health and wellness.
Student Affairs: Located on the second floor in room 226, the Office of Student Affairs coordinates new student orientation, student activities, student life events, student organizations, leadership programs, community engagement, international student services, study abroad, student conduct and student grievance procedures. The office also maintains the Student Handbook and is responsible for the student disciplinary process.
Student Government Association: Located on the second floor in room 224, the Student Government Association represents the governing body of all students on campus. The Association also conducts programs that are of service to students including student elections, voting, conferences on student government, and leadership activities.
Army ROTC: Located on the first floor in room 114M, provides adventure training, fitness, leadership development, travel opportunities, and financial assistance for students seeking a commission as officers in the U. S. Army.
Game Room: Located outside the Student Center near the Bruni Vergara Garden, the Game Room offers many leisure activities, including pool tables, air hockey, darts and computer games.
Sky Lab: Need a place to use a computer or print your assignments with the BEST view of campus? The SkyLab offers 119 work stations and 20 lounge chairs with plugs to power all your electronics and the best view of the Lamar Bruin Garden.
Non-denominational Meditation Room: located in Student Center 218. Here, you can enter a serene environment to refresh your mind and spirit. For some, this may mean engaging in prayer. For others, this may mean a quick moment of personal meditation or quiet reflection. A few moments in the Meditation Room can reduce your stress and help refocus your day.
Event Services: Located in room 127, directly behind the Information Center, Event Services is the place to reserve space on campus for meetings and conferences.
Office of Special Programs: Located on the first floor in room 125 and 126, provides services by bringing kids to the University. Services take the form of grants and continuing education programs.
Office of Continuing Education: Offers you the opportunity to continue your learning through our exciting programs for professional development, adult learning courses, and Camps and Programs for minors.
On-campus residential communities provide students with outstanding living and dining facilities, a staff devoted to students success, and easy access to university resources and services
TAMIU students receiving financial aid may apply those funds to housing/meal plan costs. The Office of Housing and Residence Life bills each student account the full cost of the semester prior to move-in.
Meals served at Dusty’s Diner are all-you-care-to-eat; however, food items must be eaten in the Diner. Your student ID card must be presented for entrance into the Diner. Meal plans only cover meals for the purchaser.
Each student living in the residence halls or apartments is expected to respect individual rights and follow community living standards.
Campus housing facilities can accommodate 436 students in the residence halls and 250 students in apartment styled facilities. The amenities featured in housing are designed to provide a resort-like atmosphere.
Release from a housing contract is granted only if the student is no longer enrolled with the University. The Terms and Conditions of the contract should be reviewed with specific details. If a student leaves residence, he/she is still liable for all the room and board charges per the Terms and Conditions of the contract. For answers to additional questions, contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
University College (UC) oversees eight academic areas and academic coursework spread between the Senator Zaffirini Student Success Center (ZSC) and Billy Cowart Hall (BCH). The areas housed in ZSC include the First Year Experience (FYE) (UNIV 1101 Learning in a Global Context and UNIV 1402 Signature Courses),The Testing Center, The Service-Learning Center, The Advising and Mentoring Center, and faculty offices. Located in BCH are Developmental Studies, The Writing Center, The University Learning Center, TRiO Student Support Services, and faculty offices. Also, University College is the academic home of the Multidisciplinary Studies (MDS) Degree and the Civic Engagement Certificate, as well as the Reading the Globe initiative.
The mission of UC is to ground students in early academic college experiences, through FYEs. Simultaneously, students interact and become aware of campus services available to support them throughout their degree completion, as well as exposure to campus activities and events. University College provides students with their “roots and wings” - roots that are strengthened and deepened by strong academic support and wings that allow them to experience academic success by turning their career dreams into reality. University College accomplishes this by providing a full array of academic support services.
First time freshmen are required to participate in TAMIU’s First Year Experience (FYE) Program which includes two semesters of course work. In the fall semester, freshman participate in a Learning Community composed of a freshman seminar class (UNIV 1101 ) and one or more core curriculum classes that are linked to each other. In the spring semester, freshman participate in UNIV 1402, where students are exposed to new disciplines and faculty outside of their major. UNIV 1101 and 1402 are designed to increase students’ critical thinking skills through interdisciplinary reasoning and foundational skills for research as well as to help students adjust to the rigors and challenges of university courses. University College provides academic support through university resources and student mentoring.
Developmental Studies
The goals of this department are to; 1) comply with the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) through an effective developmental education plan for each student, based on their TSI diagnostic report, 2) prepare students for the rigor of the college core curriculum, 3) raise the persistence rates of under-prepared students, 4) teach successful learning and study strategies, and 5) provide learning assistance through the promotion of the University Learning Center and Writing Center.
Students requiring developmental studies courses must complete their remedial obligation prior to the completion of 30 college level semester credit hours (SCH). Students who have not met this obligation by the completion of the hours specified will have their enrollment restricted to developmental courses only until all required developmental courses are successfully completed. A student may only enroll in the same developmental course no more than three times.
Grading Policy
Below is the grading scale:
A |
93-100 |
B |
84-92 |
C |
75-83 |
D |
70-74 |
F |
69 and below |
Please note: Some colleges do not accept a “D” grade. Students may need to repeat the UNIV Courses if a “D” is obtained for those colleges.
Completing Developmental Studies Courses for Transfer/House Bill (HB1)/Early College High School (ECHS)
Transfer students requiring developmental studies courses must complete their remedial obligation by the end of the second semester in which they are enrolled. Students who have not met this obligation will have their enrollment restricted to developmental courses only until all required developmental courses have been successfully completed. A student may only enroll in the same developmental course no more than three times.
The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) was adopted by the Texas legislature in the Summer of 2003 (Texas Education Code, Section 51.307) and became effective September 1, 2003. Every Texas public institution of higher education (IHE) must meet the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) mandates which require IHE to provide individualized programs to ensure the success of students in higher education. Texas A&M International’s Developmental Education Plan is available on the web (forthcoming) under the home page for University College.
In addition, each entering undergraduate student must document college readiness as approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).
The TSI test measures skills in reading, mathematics, and writing. The TSI cannot be used as a criterion for admission; only placement.
Institutions may not require a higher standard for entry into introductory college level classes than permitted by the state.
Students who do not pass or take all sections of the TSI are required to take developmental education courses in at least one of the component areas in order to enroll at Texas A&M International each semester.
Students who have not passed the Writing portion of the TSI are restricted from taking ENGL 1301; those who have not passed the Reading portion of the TSI are restricted from taking reading intensive courses (HIST 1301 and 1302, PSCI 2305 and 2306, and PSYC 2301); and those who have not passed the mathematics portion of the TSI, are restricted from taking MATH 1314, MATH 1333, or MATH 1342. The above courses may only be taken if the developmental sequence was completed and passed.
For further information on TSI completion, contact the University College Testing Center, Zaffirini Student Success Center (ZSC), room 201.
Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Exemptions: Students who have scored at or above the test scores listed below are exempt. For further information, contact the University College Testing Center, ZSC room 201.
SAT (valid for 5 years) |
500 |
500 |
1070 |
Redesigned SAT (valid for 5 years) |
EBRW – 490 |
530 |
-------- |
ACT (valid for 5 years) |
19 |
19 |
23 |
TAAS (valid for 3 years) |
89 reading |
86 Texas Learning Index |
1170 writing |
2200 |
2200 |
writing sub score - 3 |
English 3 (Level 2) |
Algebra 2 (Level 2) |
Other Exemptions:
For more information or for TSI academic advising, students may contact the Testing Center, or the Advising and Mentoring Center, both located on the second floor of the Zaffirini Student Success Center.
University College oversees the student advising for this personalized multidisciplinary degree. The Senior Capstone Experience for this degree is also taught through University College. This degree is designed for students who have diverse academic interests in three areas of study rather than a single major or a major/minor combination. The director of the Advising and Mentoring Center assists students in determining whether the MDS degree meets each student’s career goals.
The Testing Center, ZSC 201, coordinates university testing which includes credit by examination (CLEP), placement testing (Texas Success Initiative), departmental exams and other assessment programs.
Texas A&M International University allows students to receive a maximum of thirty-three (33) semester hours of credit by examination for specified freshman and sophomore level courses. The University awards credit for scores on certain tests listed in the Catalog. Students must be officially enrolled at Texas A&M International University to receive official credit with a grade of “CR.” Students must select TAMIU as school recipient in order to receive credit to be posted on their TAMIU transcript. The Testing Center does not report official CLEP scores to the Office of the University Registrar for posting on transcripts; this is the students’ responsibility.
Examinations offered by the College Board Advanced Placement Program are administered during late spring by high schools. Students usually take the examinations after completing Advanced Placement courses although experience in an AP course is not required. Interested students should contact their high school counselors for information concerning registration and test sites. High school students and currently enrolled students should have the College Board forward their scores to the Office of the University Registrar. Advanced Placement scores of entering freshmen are generally received in late July. Students can receive a grade or credit only by Advanced Placement (AP) for the following courses with the scores indicated:
AP Exams | Credit Score |
Hours Earned | Course Required | Title |
Art, History of | 3+ |
3 |
ARTS 1301 | History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture |
Biology | 3+ |
4 |
BIOL 1306/1106 | Principles of Biology I |
Chemistry | 3 |
4 |
CHEM 1311/1111 | General Chemistry I and Lab |
4+ |
8 |
CHEM 1311/1111 | General Chemistry I and Lab | |
CHEM 1412/1012 | General Chemistry II and Lab | |||
Computer Sciences | 3+ |
3 |
MIS 1305 | Introduction to Computer Applications |
Economics, Macro | 3+ |
3 |
ECO 2301 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
Economics. Micro | 3+ |
3 |
ECO 2302 | Principles of Microeconomics |
French Lang&Comp | 3+ |
3 |
FREN 1311 | Introductory French I |
French Literature | 3+ |
3 |
FREN 1312 | Introductory French II |
Government | 3+ |
3 |
PSCI 2305 | American National Government |
History-United States | 3+ |
6 |
HIST 1301/1302 | The US to 1877 and the US Since 1877 |
Mathematics Calculus AB | 3+ |
4 |
MATH 2413 | Calculus I |
Mathematics Calculus BC | 3+ |
4 |
MATH 2414 | Calculus II |
Physics 1 | 3+ |
4 |
PHYS 1301/1101 | General Physics I and Lab |
Physics 2 | 4+ |
8 |
PHYS 1301/1101 | General Physics I and Lab |
PHYS 1302/1102 | General Physics II and Lab | |||
Psychology | 3+ | 3 | PSYC 2301 | Introduction to Psychology |
AP Exam | Score (Credits | TAMIU Course | Title | |
Spanish Language | 3(12) | SPAN 1311/1312 | Intro Spanish for N-Native Speakers I & II | |
SPAN 2311 | Interm Spanish for N-Native Speakers I | |||
SPAN 2312 | Interm Spanish for N-Native Speakers II | |||
Spanish Literature | 3(12) | SPAN 1311/1312 | Intro Spanish for N-Native Speakers I & II | |
SPAN 2311 | Interm Spanish for N-Native Speakers I | |||
SPAN 2312 | Interm Spanish for N-Native Speakers II | |||
English Lang&Comp | 3(3) | ENGL 1301 | English Composition I | |
English Lit&Comp | 3(3) | ENGL 1301 | English Composition I | |
4(6) | ENGL 1301/1302 | English Composition I & II |
credit by College-level Examination Program (CLEP) for the following courses with the scores indicated:
CLEP Examination Name | Passing Score | Hours | TAMIU Course | Title |
American Literature | 50 |
3 |
ENGL 2327 | American Literature to the Civil War |
Analyzing&Interp Lit | 50 |
3 |
ENGL 1302 | English Composition II |
College Composition | 50 |
3 |
ENGL 1301 | English Composition I1 |
English Literature | 50 |
3 |
ENGL 2322 | British Literature Through Neoclassicism |
American Government | 50 |
3 |
PSCI 2305 | American National Government |
History of the US I:Col-1877 | 50 |
3 |
HIST 1301 | The US to 1877 The US Since 1877 |
History of the US II:1865-Pres | 50 |
3 |
HIST 1302 | The US Since 1877 |
Lifespan Growth&Dev | 50 |
3 |
PSYC 2314 | Lifespan Growth and Development |
Introductory Psychology | 50 |
3 |
PSYC 2301 | Introduction to Psychology |
Introductory Sociology | 50 |
3 |
SOCI 1301 | Introduction to Sociology |
College Algebra | 50 |
3 |
MATH 1314 | College Algebra |
Principles of Biology | 50 |
4 |
BIOL 1306/1106 | Principles of Biology I and Lab |
Calculus | 50 |
4 |
MATH 2413 | Calculus I |
Chemistry | 50 |
4 |
CHEM 1311/1111 | General Chemistry I and Lab |
Info Systems&Comp Appl | 50 |
3 |
MIS 1305 | Introduction to Computer Applications |
French Language (Lev I) | 50 |
6 |
FREN 1311 | Elementary French I |
FREN 1312 | Elementary French II | |||
Spanish Language (Lev I) | 50 |
6 |
SPAN 1311 | Intro Spanish for N-Native Speakers I |
SPAN 1312 | Intro Spanish for N-Native Speakers II |
Texas A&M International University recognizes the value of the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) and has approved granting of credit for the IB Higher Level exams when a score of 5 or higher is attained. A score of 4 or higher on any higher level or standard level exam will be awarded to IB diploma candidates only.
The following are IB exams offered for credit at Texas A&M International University:
IB Course |
Exam Level |
Required Score |
TAMIU Course(s) |
Credit Hours |
Best Language | ||||
Language A1 | (SL) |
4 or higher | ENGL 1301 | 3 |
Second Language | ||||
Language A2 | (SL) |
4 or higher | SPAN 1311, 1312, 2311, 2312 | 12 |
(SL) |
4 or higher | FREN 1311, 1312, 2311, 2312 | 12 |
Language B | (SL) |
4 or higher | SPAN 1311 & 1312 | 6 |
(SL) |
4 or higher | FREN 1311 & 1312 | 6 |
Language Ab | (SL) |
4 or higher | SPAN 1311 | 3 |
(SL) |
4 or higher | FREN 1311 | 3 |
Individuals and Societies | ||||
Economics | (SL) |
4 or higher | ECO 2301 | 3 |
(HL) |
4 or higher | ECO 2301 & 2302 | 6 |
History of the Americas | (HL) |
4 or higher | HIST 1301 & 1302 | 6 |
Philosophy | (SL) |
4 or higher | PHIL 1301 | 3 |
Psychology | (SL) |
4 or higher | PSYC 2301 | 3 |
Experimental Science | ||||
Biology | (SL) |
4 or higher | BIOL 1406 | 4 |
(HL) |
4 or higher | BIOL 1406 & 1413 | 8 |
Chemistry | (SL) |
4 or higher | CHEM 1411 | 4 |
(HL) |
4 or higher | CHEM 1411 & 1412 | 8 |
Physics | (SL) |
4 or higher | PHYS 2325, 2125, 2326, 2126 | 8 |
Mathematics | ||||
Mathematics | (HL) |
4 or higher | MATH 2412 & 2413 | 8 |
Further Mathematics | (HL) |
4 or higher | MATH 2412 & 2413 | 8 |
Mathematical Models | (SL) |
4 or higher | MATH 1325 & 2414 | 7 |
Mathematical Studies | (SL) |
4 or higher | MATH 1324 | 3 |
The Arts | ||||
Visual Arts | (SL) |
4 or higher | ARTS 1301 | 3 |
Music | (SL) |
4 or higher | MUSI 1306 | 3 |
Theatre Arts | (SL) |
4 or higher | DANC 1351 | 3 |
The Writing Center, located in Dr. Billy F. Cowart Hall 203, provides individual and small-group tutoring in all subject areas, online assistance, supplemental instruction, classroom support, content-specific workshops and presentations, writing resources, and support for other writing-related activities.
The University Learning Center (ULC), located in Dr. Billy F. Cowart Hall 205, provides the TAMIU campus community with an array of academic support programs such as one to one tutoring, supplemental instruction, group tutoring, and exam preparation workshops. In addition to these services, the ULC offers students flexible scheduling hours, a supportive learning environment, and learning assistance models focused on student development and student-centered learning strategies. Overall, the ULC ensures all students at TAMIU develop an educational compass so they may experience academic growth; accomplish their educational goals; and ultimately, take responsibility for their own academic success.
The TRiO SSS program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Participants must be first generation and/or economically disadvantaged or disabled to participate. Students receive individualized structured support, such as tutoring and academic coaching to: 1) maintain a GPA above 2.0, 2) persist in college, and 3) graduate within six years. The TRIO SSS Program is located in Dr. Billy Cowart Hall 208.
The Advising and Mentoring Center, located on the second floor of the Zaffirini Student Success building, provides academic advising to all freshman and sophomore students, as well as individual support to all incoming freshmen. Freshmen are assigned to weekly meetings with upper division student mentors in order to assist freshmen with a successful transition to university life. Full time Academic Advisors work with all freshmen and sophomores to assist with degree plans as well as semester schedules. The Academic Advisors also work with students on probation or who have been provisionally admitted, so that these students can be successful in continuing their academic endeavors in a timely manner.
The Service-Learning Center supports the development and implementation of service-learning courses, providing guidance and resources to TAMIU faculty. At TAMIU, service-learning is defined as an experiential learning pedagogy used in credit-bearing courses that engage students in relevant community service. Service-learning courses support student learning by integrating academic content and service activities. As part of the experience, students create meaningful connections by engaging in structured reflections that encourage academic, personal, and civic growth. In addition, the Service-Learning Center hosts an Expo for students and faculty to showcase their work and share how service-learning enhanced their academic learning and their civic responsibility. Further, the Service-Learning Center offers the Civic Engagement Certificate (CE). The Service-Learning Center is located in Senator Zaffirini Student Success Center, 223.
Students who are officially admitted to the University may register for courses. Prior to
each academic semester and for each summer session, a registration period is held.
Dates of these registration periods and the dates of other transactions that affect
student course schedules are available in the online academic calendar.
To assist freshmen who are entering the University in the fall semester, special freshman registrations are held in conjunction with freshman orientation. Only freshmen
who attend orientation are permitted to meet with an advisor, be advised and register at
this time. Dates for Freshman Orientation are provided for entering freshmen in advance of the scheduled orientation days. Individuals who desire financial aid assistance should have contacted the Office of Financial Aid and completed paper work
several months in advance of Freshman Orientation in order that their aid may be
processed in a timely manner. (See the Financial Aid section of the catalog and contact
the Office of Financial Aid for details regarding financial aid.)
Students who are currently enrolled (students who have attended the University within
the last two semesters) are permitted to register in advance during the prior semester
provided they are in good standing with the University. Registration dates are listed in
the online academic calendar and are otherwise announced on the University Uconnect portal. Students are encouraged to become knowledgeable of the rules governing preregistration, consult their advisor prior to pre-registration, and understand the arrangements for payment of tuition and fees. Students receiving financial aid are encouraged to consult with the Office of Financial Aid prior to the pre-registration period
to permit proper processing of their financial aid (See the Financial Aid section of the
catalog for details and contact the Office of Financial Aid regarding financial aid.).
Students who are transferring to the University or who are re-enrolling in the University after an absence of one year or more, are permitted to register for classes during the
registration days just prior to the commencement of classes if they have been admitted
or readmitted. This registration period is provided to enable a student to complete the
registration process including consulting advisors, signing up for classes and paying
tuition and fees. Students who are seeking financial aid and who have not completed
this process several months in advance of this registration will inevitably be delayed in
receiving funds from federal grants and secured and unsecured loans. (See the Financial Aid section of the catalog for details regarding financial aid.) Registration dates are
listed in the online academic calendar.
Students receiving veterans educational benefits must provide transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary schools, a copy of their DD 214, and records of military educational programs completed to the school for evaluation of potential transfer credit.
Students are encouraged to visit with faculty advisors during the fall and spring semesters for degree and class schedule planning. At announced times, all currently
enrolled undergraduate students and currently enrolled graduate students who have
been admitted to a graduate program or are seeking teacher certification will be permitted to advance register for courses in the subsequent term. Advisors in all disciplines
are available at each college or school. Both the Office of Admissions and the Office of
the University Registrar can assist students to identify and contact their faculty advisor. Also, please see Academic Responsibilities in the section entitled ACADEMIC
Students are expected to pay all financial obligations to the University when due.
Official registration is not complete until the University Bursar's Office has received
payment or has been notified by the Office of Student Financial Aid that payment
arrangements have been made. Failure to pay such obligations may result in the student not being allowed to receive official transcripts or to
enroll for subsequent semesters. Financial obligations include, but are not limited to:
(1) tuition and fees; (2) financial aid loans; (3) returned checks; (4) returned check
charges; (5) library fines or lost or damaged book charges; and (6) loss or breakage of
instructional material or equipment.
If there is an unpaid balance and satisfactory payment arrangements are not made within 60 days of the end of the semester or term, the University may place any delinquent balance for collection with an outside collection agency. The student will reimburse the University all fees charged by any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at maximum of 33.3% of the balance owed, and all fees and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees that are incurred by the University in such collection efforts. This will be assessed to the e-bill account and included in the balance due. The University reserves the right to report collection delinquencies to any or all credit bureaus.
Exemptions for Ex-Servicemen (Hazlewood Act): Men and women who served in the Armed Forces, and were honorably discharged, may be eligible for benefits under the Hazlewood Act after federal education benefits have been exhausted and if no student loans are in default. Exemption from fees also extends to children of members of the Armed Forces who were killed or died while in service.
Application and further information is available in the Office of the University Registrar. Exemption must be invoked by census date to reduce tuition fees for the semester. Information on these rules and regulations is available at the THECB website at http://www.collegeforalltexans.com/apps/financialaid/tofa2.cfm?ID=500.
Senior Citizen Exemption: Senior Citizens, 65 or older may receive a tuition waiver (excluding applicable lab fees) for up to six credit hours a semester, based on availability. Normal admission and registration procedures must be followed and course prerequisites must be met. To obtain the exemption, present a valid Texas driver's license or other valid ID showing date of birth to the Bursar's Office by the census date for the semester as shown in the academic calendar. Graduate courses and courses offered through Continuing Education and the International Language Institute do not fall under this exemption.
Other Exemptions: Information on other tuition exemptions granted by the State of Texas may be obtained on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board web site: http://collegeforalltexans.com.
Tuition-Resident of Texas: Undergraduate Resident students pay $50 per semester
credit hour. Graduate Resident students pay $77 per semester credit hour.
Tuition-Non-Resident/International: Non-resident and International students pay $440 per semester credit hour. Graduate Non-resident and International students pay $467 per semester credit hour.
Board Authorized Tuition: Authorized by The Texas A&M University System, Board Authorized Tuition is required of all students to cover University operating expenses including faculty salaries and facilities maintenance. The current Board Authorized Tuition rate is available from the Bursar's Office.
Athletics Fee: This fee is charged at the rate of $23.05 per semester credit hour up to 15 semester credit hours each semester.
Health Fee: This $46.05 fee is required of all students enrolled during the fall and spring
($23.03 for each summer session) for operating, maintaining and equipping Student
Health Services and entitles students to use its services. These services do not include
surgical operations or charges for consultations with outside providers.
Recreational Sports Fee: This fee is charged at the rate of $82 per semester ($41 for each summer session)
to provide programs for students to participate in a variety of competitive, non-varsity,
sports related activities.
Student Center Fee: This fee is charged at the rate of $9 per semester credit hour for Student Center Maintenance; $100 maximum in Fall and Spring; $50 maximum each summer session.
Student Service Fee: All students pay this fee at the rate of $28.10 per semester credit
hour (not to exceed $250 per semester). It entitles the student to receive publications
and supports various departments in Student Services, as well as student activities
such as SGA and Clubs.
University Services Fee: The University Services Fee is charged to students at a varying rate per semester credit hour and covers the cost of academic advising, assessments required for accreditation, scholarships, utility expenses, the TAMIU OneCard program, ID cards, study abroad programs, library collections, safety operations and initiatives, technology infrastructure, hardware and software, instructional enhancement, and the operational and maintenance costs associated with these services.
Auditor’s Tuition: The cost for auditing a course is the same as that required for
registration for credit.
Installment Payment Service Charge: Students who choose to pay using the three-payment installment plan pay a $30 installment payment service charge. This charge is
non-refundable once a payment has been made.
Laboratory Fee (Non-refundable): For each laboratory course, a fee of $2.00 to $30.00
is charged depending upon cost of materials used in the course. Non-refundable beginning first University class day, that is, if a student is allowed to drop a laboratory
course, the fee for the semester not begun will be refunded.
Late Payment Fee (Non-refundable): Students who fail to pay tuition and fees by the due date will be assessed a late payment fee of $50.
Orientation Fee (Non-refundable): This $125 nonrefundable fee is assessed to all new undergraduate students (Freshmen and Transfer) for orientation.
Reinstatement Fee/Late Registration Fee: This fee is charged at a rate of $100 per semester credit hour for students who are reinstated/registered after record date.
Repeated Course Fee (Non-Refundable) (Effective Fall 2007): SB1, General Appropriations Act, 79th Legislature, Regular Session, III-251, §49, limits formula funding for a course for which a student would generate formula funding for a third time. Students attempting a course for the third time will be charged an additional fee of $80.00 per semester credit hour. The following are exempt from the additional fee: developmental courses if within the 18-hour limit, hours for special topics and seminar courses which can be repeated, individual music lessons, music performance, ensembles, and studio art.
Additional Miscellaneous Fees:
Application fee, graduate, $35.00; late fee, $25.00
Application fee, international graduate, $50.00; late fee, $25.00
Bachelor’s graduation, $30.00; late fee, $50.00
Certificate/deficiency plan (non-refundable), $25.00
Doctoral graduation, $30.00; late fee, $50.00
Duplicate diploma fee, $15.00
Emergency Tuition Loan set-up fee, $30.00
International student application fee, $25.00
Late installment loan payment, $25.00
Late emergency loan payment, $25.00
Late short-term book loan payment, $25.00
Non-refundable loan application fee (emergency and book loans), $30.00
Master’s graduation, $30.00; late fee, $50.00
Returned check charge, $30.00
Study Abroad Application Fee (non-refundable), $100.00
Thesis/Dissertation binding fee, $40.00 first copy; $10.00 per additional
Transcript (Official - per copy), $3.00
Withdrawal from University:
A student who officially withdraws from the University may request a refund on
tuition and refundable fees according to the following schedule which is specifiedby Senate Bill 604 (passed by the 65th Legislature).
100% prior to the first University class day
80% during the first five University class days
70% during the second five University class days
50% during the third five University class days
25% during the fourth five University class days
100% prior to the first University class day
80% during the first, second or third University class day
50% during the fourth, fifth, or sixth University class day
No refund during the seventh class day or thereafter
B. Reduced Course Load
Students who reduce their semester credit hour load by officially dropping a course or
courses and who remain enrolled in the institution will have applicable tuition and fees
refunded according to the following schedule:
C. Additional Refund Provisions
The State of Texas is providing financial incentives for students who complete their
undergraduate degree with no more than three hours in excess of the minimum number
of semester credit hours required for graduation. Hours attempted include transfer
credits, course credits earned through examinations, courses dropped after the official
census date, for-credit developmental courses, internship and cooperative courses,
and repeated courses. The rebate for eligible students is a maximum of $1,000. To be
eligible for rebates under this program, students must have: (1) enrolled for the first
time in an institution of higher education in the fall 1997 semester or later, (2) receive the
baccalaureate degree from a Texas public university, and (3) been a resident of Texas
and entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
Students desiring to qualify for the tuition rebate are responsible for complying with all university rules and regulations related to the administration of the program, and are solely responsible for enrolling only in courses that will qualify them for the rebate. Students who transfer from another institution, including out-of-state institutions, shall provide the university with official transcripts from each institution of higher education attended in order that the total number of hours attempted may be verified.
Tuition rebates shall be reduced by the amount of any outstanding student loan,
including an emergency loan, owed to or guaranteed by the state. If a student has an
outstanding student loan, the institution shall apply the amount of the rebate to the
Application forms and instructions are available in the Office of the University Registrar, USC 121.
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 contains provisions that may impact the student or
parent income tax returns.
Under the Hope Scholarship Credit, students in their first two-years of college may receive a credit of up to $1,500 on tuition paid during the tax year. The Lifetime Learning Credit provides a credit of up to $1,000 on tuition paid after June 30, 1998.
Note: These two credits may not be combined and cannot be claimed for the same
expense for which another tax benefit is received. For further information on these
programs, please contact the Bursar's Office or check the IRS web site at www.ustreas.gov.
Information on Tuition and Fees is available from the Bursar's Office.
Pursuant to the provisions and intent of Chapter 552, Texas Government Code, known as the Public Information Act, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 as amended, a University policy has been established relating to the accessibility of student information in the custody of the University.
FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:
Family Compliance Office
U. S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202-4605
Directory information regarding the student will be provided to the public upon request unless student files a request in the Office of the University Registrar asking to be excluded from the directory or from any other requests for open directory information from outside entities. The request should be submitted by the 12th class day in the Fall and Spring terms, the 4th class day in the summer terms. A request to withhold information may be submitted after the stated deadline for a term, but information may be released between the deadline and receipt of the request. The file of a student who has asked to be excluded from the directory information will remain flagged until the student requests that the flag be removed.
Directory information consists of a student’s full name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major and minor fields of study, classification, enrollment status (full-time, part-time, undergraduate, graduate, etc.), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, degrees, awards received (including types of award), the last educational agency or institution attended previous to TAMIU, and photograph.
Texas A&M International University will disclose information from a student’s education records only with the written consent of the student, except:
For information regarding the university’s policy on access to records and to request accessibility to university records, contact the Office of University Registrar.
The permanent record of a Texas A&M International University credit student shall
consist of: student name, social security number or student identification number,
courses enrolled each term, cumulative University grade point average (GPA), term
GPA, hours attempted, hours earned, grades, quality points earned, degrees earned,
academic program(s), honors, academic status, and transfer credit. The permanent
record will be maintained online and will be available on-campus in the Office of the
University Registrar. Online processes are backed up nightly.
The transcript is the official record of the student’s academic performance at the University. Official transcripts printed on security paper and bearing the University seal
are available from the Office of the University Registrar at a cost of $3.00 per copy.
Student must clear any restrictions from his/her record before any transcript request
will be honored. Transcripts may be requested in person, by mail and fax.
In compliance with federal privacy laws, a student’s signature is required to release
transcripts; therefore, transcript requests cannot be accepted by telephone or e-mail.
In Person
A written request must be completed by the student and a valid picture ID
must be presented at the Office of the University Registrar. The request will be honored
within one working day.
By Mail or Fax
Students may request a transcript by submitting a written request which
includes their name, Social Security Number or Campus ID Number, dates of attendance at the university, current address, signature, and a check or money order payable to TAMIU (or payment by credit card). The request will be prepared within one to
two working days. The request may be submitted via fax (956)326-2249 or mail to the
following address:
Texas A&M International University has entered into the education and training programs administered by the Veterans Administration. Hence, the University has assumed as one of its chief responsibilities the adaptation of all facilities to meet the
needs of returning veterans who desire to take advantage of their eligibility for education and training as provided by Public Laws 16 and 346, 78th Congress; 550 and 894,
82nd Congress; and Public Law 89-358 for veterans of military service after January 3,
1955. Further information can be obtained from the University Registrar. Veterans should
register with the Veterans Coordinator in the Office of the University Registrar. The
Veterans Coordinator will assist the Veteran in processing all necessary related paper-work. For more information call (956)326-2250.
This ceremony occurs two times during the year to honor those students who have
successfully completed their degree programs. Only those students who have been
certified by their respective colleges and verified by the University Registrar may
participate in commencement. The fee for graduation is listed in the Additional Fees
section of the catalog. For further information on this process, call the Office of the
University Registrar, (956) 326-2250.
The Senator Judith Zaffirini Success Center provides Texas A&M International University students with one-stop-shopping from admission to graduation.
Admissions: Located on the first floor in room 129, the Admissions Office receives and processes applicant information for undergraduate freshmen transfer and international students.
Advising and Mentoring Center: Located on the second floor in room 222, the Advising and Mentoring Center provides academic advising to all freshman and sophomore students, and all student-athletes. Individual support is also provided to all incoming freshmen for the entire freshman year.
Bursar: Located on the first floor in room 137, the Bursar’s Office assists students/parents with questions related to student accounts and processes the following: applications for emergency tuition loans, book loans and installment payment plans; payments for student related billing; and student refunds.
Financial Aid: Located on the second floor in room 214, assists students with applying for financial aid to meet the cost of attending the University.
Graduate Studies and Research: The Graduate School is located in the Zaffirini Success Center on the second floor in suite 206 and is responsible for the graduate student recruiting efforts at Texas A&M International University. This office provides prospective students with information on the graduate admissions process, degrees offered, program information, and graduate financial assistance.
OneCard Center: Located on the first floor in room 131, the OneCard Center issues ID cards for students. The OneCard Center also accepts Dusty Dollar deposits, which is a prepaid store value account on the TAMIU OneCard. See Explanation of Tuition and Fees in this section for more information about the OneCard program.
Recruitment and School Relations: Located on the first floor in room 130, the Office of Recruitment & School Relations is at the forefront of the recruiting efforts of Texas A&M International University. This office provides prospective students with information on admissions, enrollment, degrees, programs, financial aid, housing, student life, and campus tours.
Testing Center: Located on the second floor in room 201, the Testing Center coordinates university testing which includes credit by examination, placement testing (THEA and COMPASS), departmental exams and other assessment programs.
University Bookstore: Located on the first floor, the University Bookstore sells a variety of items including textbooks, school supplies, clothing and snacks.
University College: Located on the second floor in room 223, University College (UC) oversees eight departments:General University, Developmental Studies, The Testing Center, The Writing Center, The University Learning Center, TRiO Student Support Services, The Service-Learning Center and The Advising and Mentoring Center. Also University College is the academic home of the Multi-Disciplinary Degree. University College's mission is to provide foundational college skills and learning assistance to all students.
University Registrar: From your first day of class to your walk across the graduation stage, the Office of the University Registrar follows you through your time at Texas A&M International University. Located on the first floor in room 121.
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A - Appendix B - Appendix C - Appendix D