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MS 4004
Leadership Laboratory
Non-credit. Two hours contact.
This course allows cadets to use their leadership skills to plan and conduct cadet activities and prepares them to be commissioned into the Army. Mission Command and the Company Grade Officer explore the dynamics of leading in the complex situations during Unified Land Operations I, II, and III. Examine the Art of Command and how to properly communicate with NCOs and Soldiers during Taking Charge 1, 2 and 3, and Developing Others (counseling). During Cultural Awareness and Cultural Property Protection (CPP), students will discuss numerous situations on how ethical decisions impact personnel and the unit mission. Through the understanding of roles and responsibilities, students will learn about Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF), Being Ready and Resilient (R2C), and Individual and Family Readiness can assist them in preparing Soldiers and their Families on reducing and managing stress during times of uncertainty. The course places significant emphasis on preparing students for BOLC B and their first unit of assignment. It uses mission command case studies and scenarios to prepare students to face the complex ethical demands of serving as a commissioned officer in the United States Army. This semester, students will:
Corequisite: MS 4304.
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