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PHIL 3321
Philosophy of Religion
Three semester hours.
This course is an introduction to the academic study of religion. The study of religion may include theological examinations of the questions about god (its existence, nature, our ability to know it, etc.) or surveys of diverse religions from around the world such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and many others. These studies may also include the sub-groups or sects found within each of these religions. In addition, the course can include studies of indigenous or oral religious traditions as well. While the course can cover some of the history, biographies, and customs within these religions, its true focus will be the philosophical theories and arguments behind these worldviews and/or the questions pertaining to the existence and nature of a spiritual life. While there may be comparison between these religions, an appreciation for the unique cultural identity of each will be emphasized. Course may be repeated for credit when topics vary.
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