
Seeing! A Photon's Journey Across Space, Time and Mind

Join Neil deGrasse Tyson in a journey exploring the life of a photon. Start from its creation in the belly of a star, travel across the galaxy and go all the way into the eye of a young stargazing girl. You will learn the structures of the eye and its functions, while taking a ride on the optic nerve. Discover how the eye works, how technology has enabled us to restore vision and prevent a variety of diseases that affect sight in the show “Seeing”.

Duration: 27 minutes
Genre: Science Documentary


Lamar Bruni Vergara Planetarium and Science Center
5201 University Boulevard, Lamar Bruni Vergara Science Center 373A, Laredo, TX 78041-1900
Phone: 956.326.3128 | Fax: 956.326.2459 | E-mail: planetarium@tamiu.edu

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