Faculty Senate Committees
Senate committees play a vital role in shaping the direction and policies of our institution, fostering a collaborative environment. These committees are dedicated to addressing specific areas of focus. Please note the members who represent you and be sure to reach out to them should you have any questions or concerns.

Click on each committee name below to see the purpose and current committee members.
The purpose of this committee is to evaluate and make recommendations to the Senate pertaining to all matters relating to the faculty that do not fall within the purview of the other Senate Committees. In addition, this committee is to monitor and make recommendations to the Senate regarding campus issues and administrative policies that affect the work environment and/or morale of the faculty. Membership in the committee will be appointment by the President of the Senate, with the Vice President of the Senate serving as Chair as directed in the Faculty Constitution.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Dr. Kate Houston (At-Large)
- Member: Dr. Won Kim (COED)
- Member: Dr. Juan Homero Hinojosa (At-Large)
- Member: Prof. Jose Lara (Nursing, CNHS)
The purpose of this committee are to oversee and analyze results from a biannual faculty survey evaluating administrators and to provide assistance as needed to other assessment efforts of the Senate. Membership in the committee will be by appointment by the President of the Senate, with the Chair elected by the committee membership.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Dr. Li-Zheng Brooks (DIBFS-SSB)
- Member: Prof. Timothy Rubel (At-Large)
- Member: Dr. Andrew Hazelton (Humanities, COAS)
- Member: Dr. Andrew Hilburn (Social Sciences, COAS)
The purpose of this committee is to monitor financial matters affecting the faculty, instructional matters, and other matters deemed within the purview of the Senate, and assist in the University budgeting process. Membership in the committee will be by appointment by the President of the Senate, with the Chair elected by the committee membership.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Dr. Juan Hinojosa (At-Large)
- Member: Dr. Sumalai Maroonroge (At-Large)
- Member: Dr. Runchang Lin (Mathematics & Physics-COAS)
The purpose of this committee is to make recommendations to the Senate concerning the management of University committees and to provide guidance to the colleges with regard to the composition of college and department-level committees. Membership in this committee will be by appointment by the President of the Senate, with the Chair elected by the committee membership.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Libr. Malynda Dalton (Killam Library)
- Member: Dr. Kameron Jorgensen (Biology & Chemistry-COAS)
- Member: Dr. Leonel Prieto (DIBTS-ARSSB)
The purpose of this committee is to monitor matters related to Distance Education and serve as an interface between the faculty and the Office of Instructional Technology and Distance Educational Services. The President of the Senate will serve as the co-chair of the related Distance Education and Instructional Technology university committee. Other senators with expertise in Distance Education may also serve as appointed by the Faculty Senate President.
2023-2024 Members:
- Co-Chair: Dr. Hayley Kazen (UC)
- Member: Dr. Seong Kwan Cho (Health Sciences, CNHS)
- Member: Dr. Won Kim (COED)
The purpose of this committee is to oversee the annual University Awards selection procedures (Distinguished University Teacher, Outstanding Teacher, and Distinguished University Scholar). Membership of this committee, which will consist of three or more faculty senators, will be by appointment by the President of the Senate, with the Chair elected by the committee membership.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Dr. Ediza Garcia (Psychology & Communication-COAS)
- Member: Dr. Tatiana Gorbunova (Fine & Performing Arts-COAS)
- Member: Prof. Jose Lara (Nursing, CNHS)
The purpose of this committee is to receive proposals for Faculty Handbook revision from any member of the University community, to consider those proposals, and to submit draft proposals to the Faculty Senate for consideration, following the process described in the Preface to this handbook. Membership in this committee will be by appointment by the President of the Senate, with the Chair elected by the committee membership.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Dr. Marvin Bennett (At-Large)
- Member: Libr. Malynda Dalton (Killam Library)
- Member: Dr. Cynthia Sosa (Fixed-Term Faculty)
The purpose of this committee is to monitor matters related to fixed-term faculty. Membership in this committee will be by appointment by the President of the Senate, with the Chair elected by the committee membership.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Dr. Cynthia Sosa (Fixed-Term Faculty)
- Member: Dr. Tatiana Gorbunova (Fine & Performing Arts-COAS)
- Member: Dr. Kameron Jorgensen (Biology & Chemistry-COAS)
The purpose of this committee is to monitor matters related to the development and implementation of the University-based strategic technology plan. The member appointed from the Faculty Senate will serve as a co-chair of the related University Technology Advisory Committee. Other senators with expertise in Information Technology may also serve as appointed by the Faculty Senate President.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Dr. Puneet Gill (At-Large)
- Member: Dr. Marvin Bennett (At-Large)
- Member: Dr. Andrew Hilburn (Social Sciences, COAS)
The purpose of this committee is to consider issues and proposals related to academic honesty and integrity and ethical practices involving students and faculty and other university employees, and to report to the Senate and make such recommendations as are deemed advisable. Membership in the committee will be by appointment of the President of the Senate, with the Chair elected by the committee membership.
2024-2025 Members:
- Chair: Dr. Kate Houston (At-Large)
- Member: Prof. Timothy Rubel (At-Large)
- Member: Dr. Ediza Garcia (Psychology & Communication-COAS)
- Member: Dr. Puneet Gill (At-Large)
Contact Us
Faculty Senate
Envelope iconfacultysenate@tamiu.edu
5201 University Boulevard, Laredo, TX 78041