University Committees
At the University level, there will be various standing committees as deemed necessary by the administration and faculty to ensure the accomplishment of the mission of the University. Additionally, ad hoc committees may, from time to time, be appointed as needed and as approved by the Faculty Senate.
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Composition will be one representative per academic department or division or free-standing academic unit and the University Registrar, faculty appointments will be made by department chairs (or heads of academic units), who will submit their choices through the Provost to the Faculty Senate for concurrence. The Associate Provost will chair the committee as an ex-officio member. For more information, please refer to the Curriculum Policy Handbook.
Sean Maddan-Institutional Research, Co-Chair, Ex-officio
Triana Gonzalez-Enrollment Management, Co-Chair, Ex-officio
Teresa Scott-Provost Appointee
Amede Rubio-COAS, Biology & Chemistry
Norma Saikali-COAS, Mathematics & Physics
Khaled Enab-COAS, Engineering
Marcela Moran-COAS, Psychology & Communication
Huseyin Cinoglu-COAS, Social Sciences
Adam Kozaczka-COAS, Humanities
Michael Mann-COAS, Fine & Performing Arts
Ricardo Lozano-COED
Jui-Chin Chang-ARSSB, DIBFS
Balaji Janamanchi-ARSSB, DIBTS
Jason Norris-CNHS, Health Sciences
Sara Melendez-CNHS, Nursing
Joan Wakasa Murumba-Killam Library
Janet Carrillo-UC
Patricia Abrego-Distance Education and Instructional Technology, Ex-officio
Lola Norris-Graduate Studies, Ex-officio
Robert Wilkinson-Associate VP for Institutional Assessment, Ex-officio
Composition will be one representative per college or free-standing academic unit (appointed by the Dean or academic unit head), one member of the Faculty Senate (appointed by the Senate), one representative for the University President, and one representative for each administrative Vice President. The member appointed from the Faculty Senate will serve as chair. Appointments will be submitted through the Provost to the Faculty Senate for concurrence. The Associate Vice President for Information Technology/CIO will serve ex-officio. The Technology Advisory Council may generate subcommittees; standing and ad hoc subcommittees must be chaired by a member of the Technology Advisory Council, but they may contain membership from outside the Technology Advisory Council.
Puneet Gill-Faculty Sentate Appointee, Chair
Andrew Hillburn-Faculty Senate Appointee
Devang Khambhati-COAS
Hugo Garcia-ARSSB
Cynthia Sosa-COED
Sumalai Maroonroge-CNHS
Alma Jasso-UC
Eva Hernandez-KL
Marvin Bennett-President's Appointee
Fred Juarez-Finance and Administration
Tony Ramirez-OIT
Enid Nunez-OIT
Elizabeth Smith-Institutional Advancement
Rene Prado-Enrollment Management
San Juanita Vela-Student Engagement
Mike Munoa-OIT, Ex-officio
Composition will be one representative per college or free-standing academic unit (appointed by the Dean or academic unit head), three members of the Faculty Senate (appointed by the Senate), the chair of the University Curriculum Committee, the Associate VPAA (or that officer’s designee), two representatives from Student Success (appointed by the VPSS), and one from the Graduate School (appointed by the Dean). The Director of Instructional Technology and Distance Education will serve ex-officio, and will be co-chair with the one of the members appointed from the Faculty Senate. Appointments will be submitted through the Provost to the Faculty Senate for concurrence.
Patricia Abrego-Academic Technology, Co-Chair, Ex-officio
Hayley Kazen-Faculty Senate, Co-Chair
Seong Kwan Cho-Faculty Senate Appointee
Won Kim-Faculty Senate Appointee
Donovan Weight-COAS
Yong Chen-ARSSB
Cynthia Sosa-COED
Martha Salinas-CNHS
Veronica Juarez-UC
William Crowell-KL
Sean Maddan-Chair of University Curriculum Committee and VPAA Designee
Triana Gonzalez Valdez-University Registrar and VPEM appointee
Elizabeth Vasquez-VPSE appointee
Lola Norris-Graduate School
Jessica Verastigui-Institutional Assessment, non-voting
Monica Perales-Graduate Student Representative
Abigail Olivares-Undergraduate Student Representative
Mike Munoa-OIT, Ex-officio
Carlos Vallarta-Instructional Designer, non-voting
Julio Tovar-Instructional Designer, non-voting
Melissa Soulas-Instructional Designer, non-voting
Ivette Soto-Instructional Designer, non-voting
Graciela Briseno-Instructional Designer, non-voting
Gloria Sanchez-Academic Technology, non-voting
Composition will be one representative per academic department or division or free-standing academic unit, with the Chair appointed by the Provost from the faculty membership; faculty appointments will be made by department chairs (or heads of academic units) who will submit their choices through the Provost to the Faculty Senate for concurrence. The Director of the Library or his/her designate will serve as ex-officio member.
Rolando Pena Sanchez-ARSSB, DIBTS-Chair
Varaidzo Zvobgo-COAS, Social Scieces
Juan Arellano-COAS, Math & Physics
Fatick Nath-COAS, Engineering
Jose Cardona-Lopez-COAS, Humanities
Hari Mandal-COAS, Biology & Chemistry
Jeffrey Brown-COAS, Psychology & Communication
Josias Figueirido-COAS, Fine & Performing Arts
Kristina Garcia-CNHS, Health Sciences
Ofelia Escamilla-Pena-CNHS, Nursing
Filiz Shine-COED
Yinghong (Susan) Wei-ARSSB, DIBFS
Monica Chavez-UC
Eva Hernandez-Killam Library
Colleen Harris-Killam Library Dean, Ex-officio
Composition will be one representative per academic department or division or free-standing academic unit and one representative per administrative division, with the Chair appointed by the Provost from the committee membership. Faculty appointments will be made by department chairs (or heads of academic units); administrative appointments will be made by heads of administrative divisions. Appointments will be submitted through the Provost to the Faculty Senate for concurrence.
Adrian Dominguez-Safety/Risk Manager, Chair
Qingqen Ni-COAS, Mathematics & Physics
Zhiyang Li-COAS, Engineering
Emily Bayless-COAS, Fine & Performing Arts
Amanda Munoz-COAS, Biology & Chemistry
Marcus Carey-COAS, Social Sciences
Analee Paz-COAS, Psychology & Communication
Melody Carriere-COAS, Humanities
Heriberto Godina-COED
Yinghong (Susan) Wei-ARSSB, DIBFS
Geoffrey Hubona-ARSSB, DIBTS
Robert Moran-CNHS, Nursing
Sumalai Maroonroge, CNHS, Health Sciences
William Crowell-Killam Library
Omar Ramirez-UC
Roberto Garza-Physical Plant
Roque Velasco-University Police Department
Enrique Botello-VP for Institutional Advancement Appointee
Membership in this committee will consist of one tenured representative per academic department or division or free-standing academic unit, and two at-large tenured representatives appointed by the Provost. Faculty must have at least two years of experience as faculty at TAMIU to be eligible to serve on this committee. All tenured faculty members serve on their departmental promotion and tenure committees, but none may serve on both college and University promotion and tenure committees. In cases where an academic unit does not have the equivalent of a departmental committee, then tenured faculty members may serve on both their unit’s promotion and tenure committee and the University committee. The Faculty Senate Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, assisted by the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees, will solicit a slate of candidates from each academic department, division, and free-standing academic unit, prepare a ballot for election of this committee and supervise the election. In the event that an elected or appointed member determines they cannot fulfill their role, see “Replacement of Faculty on Promotion, Tenure, and Retention Committees” under “Evaluation and Promotion of Faculty”, for replacement procedures. Deans, associate deans, department chairs, and heads of academic units may not serve on this committee. Terms will be established for two-year periods. The committee shall be presided over by the Provost, who will hold non-voting status as the presiding officer.
Claudia San Miguel-Provost & VPAA, Chair, Ex-officio
Anna Cieslicka-COAS, Psychology & Communication, Provost's Appointee
Ju Oak Kim-COAS, Psychology & Communication, Provost's Appointee
Marvin Bennett-COAS, Engineering
Runchang Lin-COAS, Mathematics & Physics
Monica Mendez-COAS, Biology & Chemistry
Jerry Thompson-COAS, Humanities
Yu-Mei Huang-COAS, Fine & Performing Arts
Marcela Moran-COAS, Psychology & Communication
Lynne Manganaro-COAS, Social Sciences
Rolando Pena Sanchez-ARSSB, DIBTS
Puneet Gill-COED
Jeanette Hatcher-Killam Library
Seong Kwan Cho-CNHS, Health Sciences
This pool will be comprised of twenty-four tenured faculty from across the university selected by a lottery overseen by the Faculty Senate executive committee to serve a three-year term. A faculty member will be ineligible for lottery selection for the three years following a term of service within the grievance pool. Since the Grievance Pool provides the membership of Grievance Committees as well as a majority of committee members for appeals of promotion or tenure decisions its membership should be established early in the year before individual grievances or appeals emerge. Once the lottery is completed, the pool will consist of twenty-four members, enough to manage four grievances or four appeals without duplication of personnel. Deans, associate deans, department chairs, and heads of academic units may not serve on this committee.
When a grievance is filed, each party will select two committee members from the pool, and the Faculty Senate President will select a fifth member from the pool. In the event of the Faculty Senate President’s involvement in the grievance, the Vice President will select the fifth member. The resulting five-member committee for each grievance will elect its own Chair from its membership. Once the Grievance Pool has been constituted, it will meet to elect a secretary to manage the receipt of complaints and requests for information and to keep a record 18 of ongoing activity, which will be filed each semester with the Secretary of the Faculty Senate. Since membership on a grievance committee can be a strenuous experience, no member of the Grievance Pool should participate in more than one proceeding in the same academic year. If events require additional members to be added to the pool, a lottery will be held for an appropriate number of additional members at the earliest possible time. The number of members necessary will be determined for each situation by the Grievance Pool members, overseen on this occasion by the Faculty Senate President.
The Faculty Development Leave Committee (FDLC) shall be chaired by the current President of the Faculty Senate and shall consist of one tenured faculty member from each college and free- standing academic unit, with the exception of the College of Arts and Sciences, which shall have two representatives. The Faculty Senate will conduct elections during April, polling faculty from each College to determine its representative. Members elected in April will begin their terms the next school year, beginning in September. Faculty members are not eligible for faculty development leaves during their tenure on the committee.
Hayley Kazen-President Faculty Senate, Chair
Jason Norris-CNHS
Yu-Mei Huang-COAS
Alison Hadley Hilburn-COAS
Ananda Mukherji-ARSSB
Won Kim-COED
Jeanette Hatcher-Killam Library
The Honor Council consists of faculty and students who have been elected by their peers or appointed by the Provost and who have undergone training in order to serve as case investigators and/or hearing panelists. The Honor Council serves to provide students with a means by which they may report academic dishonesty, to provide students with a means of appealing charges of academic dishonesty, and to provide the Provost with recommendations regarding general academic sanctions or remedial efforts appropriate to specific cases. This council shall have authority to create processes and operating procedures to implement the Honor System and to enforce the rules described in the Honor Code. Through the Provost’s Office, this council shall be the central body responsible for maintaining records and for coordinating communication, prevention, training, remediation, and adjudication efforts for the Honor System. The Honor Council shall consist of 25 members; fifteen students including at least one graduate student (twelve appointed by the VP for Student Success and three by the Provost), and ten faculty members (nine elected by the faculty at large, and one appointed by the Provost). The Faculty Senate will conduct the elections of the faculty representatives. Members must be elected and appointed by September 1 of each academic year. Faculty members serve two-year terms; student members serve one-year terms. The Honor Council will hold general meetings at least twice each semester, and members of the council will serve on 3-5 member hearing panels when selected by the Chair of the Honor Council and the Provost. In case of conflict, refer to the Student Handbook.
Kate Houston-COAS-Social Sciences, Chair-Provost's Appointee
Melody Carriere-COAS, Humanities, At-Large
Elizabeth Terrazas-COAS, Psychology & Communication, At-Large
Hayley Kazen-UC, At-Large
Jonathan Martinez-UC, At-Large
Yu-Mei Huang-COAS, Fine & Performing Arts, At-Large
Fatick Nath-COAS, Engineering, At-Large
Rebekah Arenaz-UC, At-Large
Omar Ramirez-UC, At-Large
Angel Pacheco Paredes-ARSSB, DIBFS. At-Large
It is the responsibility of the Graduate Council to establish and review the criteria for membership on the Graduate Faculty. Furthermore, the council is to establish the minimum admission standards, the standards for continuation of graduate students, and the residency requirements; to act upon petitions and appeals from the decision of the Dean of the Graduate School; and to consider any other matters relevant to the Office of the Graduate School.
Lola Norris-Dean of the Graduate School, Chair, Ex-officio
Asligul Berktay-COAS, Appointed
Jose Cardona-Lopez-COAS, Elected
Abhijit Patwardhan-ARSSB, Appointed
Haibo Wang-ARSSB, Elected
Seth Sampson-COED, Appointed
Maria de Lourdes Viloria-COED, Elected
Martha Salinas-CNHS, Appointed
Jason Norris-CNHS, Elected
Angel Pacheco-ARSSB, Elected, At-Large
Paul Neimeyer-COAS, Elected, At-Large
Anwen Yin-ARSSB, Elected, At-Large
Runchang Lin-Faculty Senate President Appointee, Ex-officio
Triana Gonzalez-Registrar, Ex-officio
Malynda Dalton-Killam Library, Ex-officio
Citlaly Palau-Graduate Student Representative, Provost's Appointee, Ex-officio
Pat Abrego-CIO Appointee, Ex-officio
Contact Us
Faculty Senate
5201 University Boulevard, Laredo, TX 78041