Elizabeth Martinez ‘97
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2007 Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit:
“Portraits of Alumni Achievement”

Elizabeth Martinez ‘97

“To whom much is given, much is also expected.”

Elizabeth Martinez ‘97

Elizabeth Martinez ‘97, BA
Assistant Public Defender
County of Webb

This phrase was strongly impressed in her daughter by the late Amelia Nora Martínez. As the youngest of five siblings whose parents made many sacrifices to ensure their children had a quality education, she learned to pursue excellence in all she does. She is an advocate of education and often speaks to local youth emphasizing the need to persevere and seek higher
education. She advises the youth, “If your desire is strong enough, nothing will be able to stop you from achieving your goals.”

Not one to let obstacles stand in her way, Martínez says that the desire to make her family proud keeps her focused. The desire to honor her mother’s memory through her achievements is her way of expressing gratitude for all she has been given.

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