Erasmo A. Villarreal ‘73
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2007 Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit:
“Portraits of Alumni Achievement”

Erasmo A. Villarreal ‘73

“I believe one of the qualities that has been most influential
in my life and career was compassion for others.”

Erasmo A. Villarreal ‘73

Erasmo A. Villarreal ‘73, BBA
Director of the Laredo Building Department
City of Laredo

“As a child, I enjoyed going to the ranch with my father who taught me to appreciate nature and to respect and care for our environment.” Both Erasmo Villarreal’s parents were teachers who inspired their children to do their best and trust in the Lord for guidance.

These two core beliefs were instrumental in all his professional endeavors. Compassion for others was another important quality that he learned to live by. Whether it was with job training, securing employment, providing statistical data to businesses, or creating affordable housing for low to moderate income families, he has worked to improve the quality of life through community development.

Villarreal also had a business mentor who provided encouragement and guidance in seeking career advancement. He learned from him that experience cannot be taught, it has to be lived.

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