Wireless Network Access
TAMIU provides mobile internet access for students, faculty, and staff from wireless access points throughout the campus. The three wireless networks available are:

eduroam is an international WI-FI network used throughout the research and education community.
For students, you can log in using NetID@dusty.tamiu.edu and password.
For faculty and staff, you can log in using NetID@tamiu.edu and password.
Allows you to roam with your device across campus without having to re-enter login credentials. This is the preferred method if using a device that is not being shared.
TAMIU UnpluggedTAMIU Unplugged
Primarily used for Visitor access and devices which are being shared with multiple people. Once connected, you will be redirected to a web portal login page. Login using your NetID and password afteer you've read and accepted the terms of use.
Contact Us
Office of Information Technology Help Desk
5201 University Boulevard, Laredo, TX 78041