
Writing Intensive Assessment

What is WIN Assessment?

In 2005, Texas A&M International University launched "Write on, TAMIU", a Quality Enhancement Plan to improve undergraduate writing and become part of a campus culture promoting and valuing writing. This campaign promised to prepare students for success in their personal and professional lives by embracing writing. Since then, TAMIU continues to hold WIN assessment as a separate area of institutional assessment linked to a graduation requirement.

What is the Student Learning Outcome for WIN Assessment Courses?

Program Outcome

Writing Intensive Courses

  • General University
  • General University

Institutional Outcomes


TAMIU students will be able to develop ideas and express them clearly, considering the effect of the message, fostering knowledge, and building the skills needed to communicate persuasively by using their command of oral, aural, written, and visual literacy skills that enable them to exchange message appropriate to the subject, occasion, and audience.

What Courses are Included in TAMIU WIN Assessment?

Instructor Course
Alison M Hadley-Hilburn ANTH 4304 - 102
Richard B Wright ARTS 3310 - 102
Emily Bayless ARTS 4333 - 101
Sergio Garza EDBE 3335 - 160
Monica Orozco Mende BIOL 4420 - 101
Devang P Khambhati BIOL 4445 - 102
Amede Rubio BIOL 4472 - 101
Richard O Jacobson BIOL 4472 - 108
Kameron R Jorgensen BIOL 4472 - 110
Daniel Alexander Gonzalez BA 3301 - 102
Daniel Alexander Gonzalez BA 3301 - 104
Tochukwu Josephat Emegwa BA 3301 - 161
Blessing Faith Ezeugwa BA 3301 - 180
Daniel Alexander Gonzalez BA 3301 - 181
Daniel Alexander Gonzalez BA 3301 - 182
Daniel Alexander Gonzalez BA 3301 - 183
Michele Kristin Nigliazzo BA 3310 - 102
Michele Kristin Nigliazzo BA 3310 - 104
Carlos Evaristo Flores BA 3310 - 161
Michele Kristin Nigliazzo BA 3310 - 180
Michele Kristin Nigliazzo BA 3310 - 181
Michele Kristin Nigliazzo BA 3310 - 183
Ajith Venugopal BA 4390 - 101
Leonel Prieto BA 4390 - 180
Shiyu Yang BA 4390 - 181
Alfred K Addo-Mensah CHEM 3405 - 101
Devang P Khambhati CHEM 4445 - 102
Kameron R Jorgensen CHEM 4499 - 102
Thomas Robert Brown COMM 1326 - 160
Tano Trevino COMM 3312 - 161
Lon Berquist COMM 3327 - 101
Lon Berquist COMM 4360 - 101
Arthur Daniel Soto COMM 4360 - 103
Sumalai Maroonroge CSDO 3305 - 101
Mustafa Hussain Al Lail CSCE 4201 - 102
Muhammad Zafrul Hasan CSCE 4390 - 161
Lynne L Manganaro CRIJ 3301 - 101
Lynne L Manganaro CRIJ 3301 - 104
Huseyin Cinoglu CRIJ 3301 - 106
Brent Paterline CRIJ 3301 - 180
Brent Paterline CRIJ 3301 - 181
Daniel Walter Scott CRIJ 4321 - 102
Marcus T Carey CRIJ 4321 - 163
George Ackerman CRIJ 4321 - 180
Melinda Annette Vidaurri CRIJ 4334 - 102
Cody J Perry EDCI 3301 - 102
Cody J Perry EDCI 3301 - 163
Cynthia Lorena Sosa EDCI 3315 - 160
Guillermo Pro EDCI 4310 - 161
Filiz Shine Edizer EDEL 3374 - 160
Jessica Walker ENGL 2307 - 161
Hanan Mohamed Saadi ENGL 2311 - 101
Hanan Mohamed Saadi ENGL 2311 - 102
Hanan Mohamed Saadi ENGL 2311 - 103
Jason M Dew ENGL 2311 - 180
Jason M Dew ENGL 2311 - 181
Jason M Dew ENGL 2311 - 182
Nathaniel Racine ENGL 2328 - 102
Jessica Walker ENGL 3302 - 180
Jessica Walker ENGL 4307 - 160
Paul J Niemeyer ENGL 4399 - 102
Andrew H Hilburn GEOG 3310 - 101
Deborah Lynn Blackwell HIST 3303 - 102
Seongkwan Cho KINE 3312 - 180
Juan Jose Arellano MATH 3371 - 101
Javier Elizondo MUSI 3301 - 101
Rhonda L Tubbe NURS 3311 - 180
Habiba Harris NURS 3311 - 181
San Juanita Hernandez NURS 3312 - 180
Amy Lorraine Guerra NURS 4310 - 102
Habiba Harris NURN 3311 - 780
Judith Abrego NURN 3312 - 780
Judith Abrego NURN 4310 - 680
Khaled Enab PETE 4290 - 102
Guillermo Cruz Dominguez-Vargas PETE 4332 - 101
Jude Philip Galbraith PHIL 3316 - 101
Jihoon Jeong PSCI 3301 - 101
Dwight A Vick PSCI 3350 - 181
Nilda M. Garcia PSCI 4351 - 160
Lorena D Madriaga PSYC 2314 - 184
TBA PSYC 3301 - 102
Omar Garcia PSYC 3302 - 101
Kate Alexandra Houston PSYC 3302 - 181
Elizabeth Terrazas-Carrillo PSYC 4301 - 101
Ray Garza PSYC 4301 - 102
Maria R. Medrano PSYC 4301 - 180
Judith Abrego PHLT 3312 - 780
Ahone Esther Alice Ngujede PHLT 4318 - 180
Jihoon Jeong SOCI 3301 - 101
Virginia Berndt SOCI 3304 - 101
Andrew H Hilburn SOCI 4375 - 103
Jose Agustin Martinez-Samos SPAN 3305 - 161
Jose Agustin Martinez-Samos SPAN 3321 - 102
Jose J Cardona-Lopez SPAN 3326 - 101
Jose Agustin Martinez-Samos SPAN 4399 - 160
Tariq Tashtoush SENG 4301 - 102
Guillermo Cruz Dominguez-Vargas SENG 4385 - 105
Deepak Ganta SENG 4390 - 101
Gilberto Martinez THAR 4364 - 102
Hayley Deann Kazen UNIV 4390 - 161
Teresa Y Scott WGST 2301 - 102

How Many Students in the Course Should be Assessed?

Your sample size should be 30% or 25, whichever is less.

How do we Record WIN Assessment Results?

WIN Assessment is done through the AEFIS system. This system tracks all of our assessment activities. The following PowerPoints and Training Videos can assist you in your use of this system:

Using AEFIS PowerPoints and Videos - WIN
PowerPoint Training Videos PDFs of PowerPoint Slides
How to Score WIN Assessment Using AEFIS How to Score WIN Assessment Using AEFIS How to Score WIN Assessment Using AEFIS

Additional Resources

WIN Rubric

Due Date for Fall 2023: February 09, 2024


Office of Institutional Assessment, Research and Planning
5201 University Boulevard, Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library 434, Laredo, TX 78041-1900
Phone: 956.326.2275