Certified Public Manager
In 2019, Texas A&M International University entered into an agreement with Texas State University to deliver the Certified Public Manager Program. In the spring of 2022 TAMIU entered into an agreement with the City of Laredo to deliver the CPM Program to City Employees. THe first cohort of fifteen students began in June 2022 and graduated in December 2022. In January 2023, the second City Cohort started the program.
The mission of the TAMIU CPM Program is to expose program participants to the best and smartest principles and practices in municipal administration and management as they have historically evolved and changed in the US. To this end, the CPM Program faculty will not only provide principles but also, they will facilitate the application of these principles in real life.
The Certified Public Manager designation is awarded to public sector middle managers who have completed the required three hundred hours of study through a CPM program accredited by the National Certified Public Manager Consortium. CPM programs are sponsored and operated by a public sector agency or university in a state or other political jurisdiction.
The Certified Public Manger program is a nationally accredited comprehensive management development program open to managers in federal, state, and local government agencies. Some states also open enrollments to non-profit organizations. The program's primary goal is to improve the performance of public sector managers and the organizational performance of state, local, and federal governments.
The program is a comprehensive course of study by which public managers can acquire and apply best practices and theory to their management behaviors and strategies using prescribed sets of professional competencies. The curriculum uses theory as the foundation and applies it to practical problems facing the participant, their agency/department, and the citizens.
The CPM Program is a series of seven tracks, or courses, designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and abilities of public and nonprofit managers. Students may sign up for individual courses or for the entire program. Courses can be completed in any order.
CPM Programs are currently offered in Arlington, Austin/Round Rock, Edinburg, Houston, McAllen, Midland/Odessa, Laredo, Nacogdoches, and San Marcos.
CPM Program Management
The day-to-day management of the CPM Program is the responsibility of TAMIU's Office of Continuing Education under the leadership of Susan Foster in conjunction with CPM Program Director, Dr. Peter Haruna (Professor of Public Administration and Government). TAMIU's Continuing Education Office has experience in organizing workshops in a variety of areas, and the CPM Program Director serves as the subject matter expert in providing overall guidance and direction. Together, they bring experience and expertise to the delivery of the seven-track CPM Program. In addition, they will collaborate with all stakeholders at TSU, TAMIU, the County of Webb and the City of Laredo. All correspondence relating to CPM Program matters should go to either Susan Foster (mary.foster@tamiu.edu) or Dr. Peter Haruna (pharuna@tamiu.edu).

The Seven Leadership Competencies of CPM (NCPMC) Goals and Objectives
- Personal and Organizational Integrity
- Managing Work
- Leading People
- Developing Self
- Systemic Integration
- Public Service Focus
- Change Leadership
The purpose of this course is to provide essential information concerning management issues relating to personnel administration and management. This course will cover the following topic areas in detail; managing public organizations, managing human resources, managing budgets and financial resources, managing ethics, planning and implementing public programs, and evaluating public programs and organizations. Topics include recruitment/selection/promotion and termination; Legal issues including equal employment opportunity and affirmative action; performance evaluation, discipline/termination, health/safety, collective bargaining, classification, compensation, and employee benefits. Also covered are managing ethics, sexual harassment, education, training as well as staff development.
(24 contact hours)
Practices such as reengineering, Total Quality Management (TQM) and strategic planning will be explored in detail. The course will also focus on how a systems approach can help public administrators understand how organizations can improve their organizational operations.
(24 contact hours)
Topics include communication with governing and overseeing bodies, overcoming barriers to effective communication, and dealing with disagreement, conflict and group thinking. Improving oral and written communication skills are also included in this track.
(24 contact hours)
The basics of finance, budgeting and public sector accounting and auditing will be explored in detail. Additional topics include cutback management and economic development.
(24 contact hours)
Benchmarking, program evaluation and the tools and techniques of public administration research will be explored. In addition, the basic principles of legal research will also be explored.
(24 contact hours)
Tools and systems such as the Internet and online federal and state databases will be identified and discussed in detail. Additional topics include social networking, geographic information systems and information systems technology.
(24 contact hours)
This track is the capstone of the CPM Program and will incorporate lessons and information provided in the other six tracks. Requirements are to pick a topic in public and/or non-profit administration and management. Participants should be prepared to do a 10-15 minute oral presentation on their project.
Office of Continuing Education
5201 University Boulevard
Student Center 118
Laredo, TX 78041
Tel. 956.326.3068 — Fax 956.326.2838
E-mail: ce@tamiu.edu
Office Hours: Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.