
Binational Center logo


United States/ Mexico Relations

Eagle Ford Shale / Cuenca Burgos 2014


The Binational Center is a leader in promoting research and disseminating scientific studies on the local phenomenon of oil and gas extraction that is impacting the world, known as Eagle Ford Shale. We have participated in various events and conferences to share this information and provide opportunities for our region.  Please see below for more details on our events, conferences, and presentations.

This was the first Eagle Ford Consortium Meeting in Laredo.  At this event, the new Binational Committee of the Eagle Ford Shale Consortium was introduced.  The mission of this new committee is to assist US and Mexico business, government, institutions, and universities in their endeavors to engage in bi-national commerce related to the oil and gas industry for the mutual benefit of each country and its citizens.  Some of the presenters at the event were AMESPAC Director Antonio Juárez, CNH Commissioner Guillermo Dominguez, Mexico City Attorney Javier Zenteno of Zenteno-Lira Mora Abogados, and Mexico City Attorney Juan Carlos Solis of Solis Mendoza Abogados.  Please see list below for their presentations, and click here to see the agenda for the day.

EFC January 2014


  • April 22-23, 2014- Eagle Ford Consortium Conference: Driving the 21st Century Texas Economy: Sustainable Oil & Gas Communities

          Presentations from panel: Shale Regions: The Mexican Shale in "Play!"- Moderator- Maria Eugenia Calderon-Porter

Panelists - Eagle Ford Consortium Conference April 2014


    • May 22-23, 2014- Texas International Energy Summit 2014: Chapter Laredo

      Texas Energy Summit, on its chapter Laredo Energy, will be the first international gathering point in which professionals, entrepreneurs and authorities will participate with informative conferences and an Expo (& Trade Show). In this symposium panelists will analyze investment opportunities, the supply chain, and all the ongoing aspects of Mexico’s Energy Reform.

Texas Energy Summit 2014


  • June 11, 2014- The Rotarians Meeting, Laredo, Texas.Rotary International Logo
  • Presentation:




  • August 7-9, 2014- Congreso de Política y Derecho Energético

Poster for Congreso de Politica y Derecho Energetico UANL


    • Presentations:




Presentación del Proyecto de Desarrollo de la Cuenca de Burgos

Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México

August 29, 2014




Laredo Development Foundation LOGO




  • October 2, 2014- 3er. Ciclo de Conferencias de la Cátedra Gustavo Aguirre Benavides.

Poster Conferencia Gustavo Aguirre Benavides










  • October 15-17, 2014- Border Energy Forum XXI, Monterrey, Nuevo León

Border Energy Forum 2013


  • Presentations:
    • Jobs and Education Panel:  Maria Eugenia Calderón-Porter, Assistant Vice President for Global Initiatives, Texas A&M International Univesity.



ANUIES Septima Reunion 2014




  • October 27-28, 2014- Future of the Region South Texas, Bi-Annual Conference 2014




  • November 5-6, 2014, 2nd Annual Eagle Ford & Burgos Basin Cross-Border Development Summit
               Eagle Ford and Burgos basin banner



  • November 10-12, 2014 Convención Nacional Geológica: "Las geociencias, base del desarrollo económico global".

Sociedad Geologica Mexicana 2014

  • November 12-13, 2014, Primer Expo Foro Energía Coahuila, 2014

Expo Foro Energia Coahuila LOGO

For additional information contact:
Texas A&M International University
Binational Center
International Language Institute

5201 University Boulevard
Lamar Bruni Vergara Science Center 301 (Main Office)
Lamar Bruni Vergara Science Center 201 (ILI)
Laredo, Texas 78041-1900
Tel: 956.326.2834
Fax: 956.326.2836
Email: binationalcenter@tamiu.edu

Office Hours:
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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