Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) brings pride, tradition and quality experiences to the Texas A&M International University campus. CAB is responsible for bringing entertainment for the entire campus community that informs and educates. Through its programming CAB will enlighten and engage students through opportunities outside the classroom that will develop leadership, diversity and life skills.
Take a look at some of our events!
Every year Campus Activities Board host Halloween Fest, this is a one-day celebration where Student Organizations fundraise having food items and activities for sale. Every year we receive more than 1000+ community members attendees where they can enjoy our free pumpkin patch, free inflatables and enter our costume contest.

TAMIU celebrates Hispanic Heritage month with two events open to all TAMIU students. Loteria and El Grito.
El Grito is a way to celebrate Mexican Independence Day and commemorate that in this day Mexicans all over the world celebrate Mexico’s independence from Spanish rule. Presentation from Mariachi International TAMIU, TAMIU Ballet Folklorico and several contest are available to students along with free traditional regional food.
Loteria brings 300+ students together for a night of Loteria Mexicana. Prizes such as air pods, flat screen Tv’s, Fitbit, firesticks and consoles are available for students to win. Light refreshments are also available in a night full of excitement and de-stress for TAMIU students.

Pre-Exam Jam is held every Fall and Spring at the end of the semester for students to de-stress before final season. Activities such as obstacle courses, bungee run, joust arena, arts and crafts, mobile recovery station with massage chairs, wing and watermelon eating contest are available for free. A wide range of food and pastries are available for all TAMIU students. Campus Activities Board also giveaways supplies that students may need to get through finals week such as scantrons, blue books, pencils and erasers free of charge. Pre-Exam Jam provides students de-stress for success.