Time Management & Study Skills
When you consider taking online courses, it's crucial that you have strong study and time management skills. Online courses require more invested time than a face-to-face course. Here are some tips to help you improve/manage your time management and study skills:
- Avoid procrastination; don't wait until the last minute to identify or submit course assignments.
- Follow the course syllabus in order to determine the due dates for your assignments.
- Be aware of your university's maintenance schedule. In case a system maintenance is planned for a specific date, make sure any assignments due around the same time are submitted in advance.
- Make sure that you identify and are familiar with the technology that you would be using in the course. View the Student eLearning Orientation page to become familiar with Blackboard, TAMIU's learning management system.
- Routinely check that the software needed for your online courses are up-to-date.
- Gather contact information for course and/or technical assistance before the first day of class.
- Set a specific time and place to study.
- Avoid distractions when studying such as watching TV, surfing the net, talking on the phone, etc.
- Postpone other activities until the work is done!
- Use your free time wisely.

Student Navigation Menu
eLearning Blackboard Support
Check out our guides and tutorial videos on how to use the official Learning Management System of Texas A&M International, also known as eLearning (Blackboard).
Technical Support
Learn about the support services provided by the Office of Information Technology.
Accessibility Support
Accessibility Support Services offered for all TAMIU students
Respondus Lockdown Support
Respondus support resources for students.
Netiquette Etiquette Guidelines For Distance Learning
Learn the general manner in which you should conduct yourself in an online course environment.
Necessary Technical Knowledge and Digital Literacy Information Skills for Distance Learning
Learn about the general technical knowledge and skills you need to possess for taking an online course.
Minimum Technology Requirements for Distance Learning
Learn about the minimum, general technology requirements for an online course.
Time Management and Study Skills
Learn the tips you need know on managing your time and improving your study habits.
Online Readiness Survey
Unsure if you should take an online class? Fill out this survey for feedback on your strengths and/or weaknesses in attending online courses.
Students Rights and Responsibilities
Gather information on FERPA, Disability Services for Students, consequences and appeals of plagiarism, and how to file a grievance.
Title IX
Watch the Title IX Training Video for Students, created by students in the 11 universities of the Texas A&M University System.
Privacy Policy Statements of Course Technologies
Access the privacy statements of course technologies used within TAMIU courses.
Accessibility Statements of Course Technologies
Access the accessibility statements of course technologies used within TAMIU courses.
University Resources and Services
Resources and Services Available for TAMIU students.
Academic Center for Excellence
The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) provides TAMIU students with FREE academic support services focused on the development of critical study skills and learning strategies necessary for a successful academic career.
Contact Us
Instructional Technology and Distance Education Services
Phone icon956-326-2792
Envelope iconelearning@tamiu.edu
Dr. Billy F. Cowart Hall (CWT) 208
5201 University Boulevard, Laredo, TX 78041